✊ What defines a community could be its ability to respond together in the face of a shared future, past or present challenge. In the community we connect with other people and our response capacity multiplies to the point of making true the saying that "the power of the people is stronger than the people in power".
📬 In this newsletter we talk about campaigns where the community, in times of crisis, responds by organizing itself to give a collective response through crowdvocacy (or "government of the crowd"), which is what we call the process distributed and coordinated between different platforms where Civic initiatives can amplify their influence, obtain resources, and stimulate outreach leadership for promoters of civic initiatives.
😉 Take a look and stay in touch with your surroundings. Sure you can propose and contribute to an initiative.
Rent Strike 🏠

🗝 Starting today, April 1st, many families will not be able to afford the rent due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19. This campaign aims to create a #CajaDeResistencia so that people who join the #HuelgaAlquiler campaign are covered and accompanied by the movement for the right to housing.
✊🏼 This campaign is also to make it clear that default is a political act, a demand on a government to look after the needs of millions of tenants who will not be able to pay their rent.
👉 In 2008 we saved the banks, now it's time to save the people by supporting the Rent Strike
We are Greenhope 🌱

🏥 Given the situation we are currently in, there is a need to help and support hospital centers. In this case, there is an agreement with the Hospital de la Santa Creu and Sant Pau to make them the donation of all the money raised in this solidarity campaign.
🛌 The money will go to buy medical supplies, hire more staff to improve the hospital service, and increase the number of beds to treat more patients, among others.
👉 Be part of the hope and join We are Greenhope
20,000 masks 😷

🚨 Given the crisis situation in which our country is mired, we have all witnessed the great impact that small solidarity actions of companies and citizens are having.
💙 Along these lines, a group of Spanish SMEs have wanted to combine their work and effort and launch a project to provide health centers and hospitals with 20,000 masks to facilitate the protection of professionals.
👉 Lend a hand and help make 20,000 masks.
Crowdvocacy i CoronaZero

To finish, we want to share here some initiatives that we consider interesting.
FrenaLaCurva is a citizen platform made up of activists, volunteers, makers, companies, social organizations and open innovation laboratories launched by the Government of Aragon. With it we want to build a bridge between people in need due to the isolation measures against the coronavirus and volunteers, institutions and businesses that can solve them.

BarcelonaDesdeCasa is a new web space developed by Decidim that includes the municipal measures promoted to help citizens, with special attention to the most vulnerable people.

#Coronazero Channel, As you may already know, it is the proposal to put its crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platform at 0% commission at the disposal of initiatives aimed at dealing with the crisis caused by Covid-19. We believe that it is in these delicate circumstances that it is more necessary than ever to step forward and contribute what we are best at, the financing of projects through the crowdfunding of citizens.

See you in 15 days! 😜
We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!
(Banner Credits: Connected Dance People per Studio Paint-Ing)