👋 If you read our end of the year newsletter, you will already know our opinion: "Goodbye 2020, we will not miss you." And it is that although this year has not been easy and many initiatives have suffered, as a community we have been able to respond and move forward. Your support, along with many other people, has managed to carry out more than 200 projects that have received more than € 2,000,000 in total. If it is true that only people who dare to go too far can discover how far they can go, rest assured that in Goteo we will continue to accompany you to infinity and beyond!
📬 In this newsletter we present three projects that build that hopeful and broad future with different life options. One supporting culture as a key tool for development and mutual understanding; the second proposing new spaces for co-housing and socialization in a natural environment; the third, combining both spaces through the creation of job opportunities from a feminist perspective, intersectional and combative with hegemonic capitalism. We encourage you to get to know them and continue to trust that each action counts to move towards a more just society. Together we are stronger and as we already know: we are going slow, because we are going far.
Cañada Real Festival 16th 🎪

✊ The Cañada Real Festival 16th initiative arises from the conviction that culture is a key strategy for the integral development of people, with a high impact on processes of social inclusion and mutual understanding.
🎪 This celebration seeks to promote intercultural coexistence in La Cañada Real, make visible the talent present in a disadvantaged place and strengthen ties between people through the festival, continuing with the work begun and consolidated from the 4 previous editions.
✅ If you also believe that culture is a key tool for building a more just world, you can collaborate in Cañada Real Festival 16th.
Irehom 🏡

🏚 One of the current problems of our society is the depopulation of the rural world and the management of rustic and agrarian spaces. The planning laws in these spaces are very limiting, especially to protect the uncontrolled urbanization that existed decades ago.
⚖️ This legislation that was made with good intention to protect natural spaces, paradoxically, is now a threat to the survival of new projects that seek other possibilities and opportunities to give these spaces and that surely, they are part of the solutions for the future to manage better our environment.
🏡 Irehom is one of these many projects that are precisely the vanguard in the study of how to face the new paradigms and provide sustainable and holistic responses to these changes. That is why we invite you to discover it and support its legalization process here.
Sustraiak 💜

💚 Sustraiak Catering is a cooperative for socio-labor insertion, that is, a non-profit entity with two fundamental principles: Offer vegetarian food based on food sovereignty and bet on facilitating access to the labor market for migrant women, through feminist empowerment processes and trajectories of socio-labor insertion.
👥 Faced with this heteropatriarchal and globalized society where everything goes so fast, they believe in cooking and eating as a tool for social and political transformation with which to change the rhythm and put the sustainability of life at the center.
👩🏻 If you also believe it is essential to strengthen a network of projects and support it collectively, collaborate in Sustraiak!

Do you know the Channel I-UMA? It is the channel of the University of Malaga in our platform to co-finance Innovative Ideas and share Research projects that contribute to social progress. Right now there are three very interesting projects underway.
With #AppMohedo we want to develop and improve a free therapeutic tool that helps to treat chronic pelvic pain, in [Education for your rural environment](https://goteo.cc/ educacionportuentornorural) we seek funding to adapt the pedagogical resources of rural schools to the identity and culture of the environment and in Like you, more than 70 steam scientists and technologists are made available to schools and institutes to give practical workshops and / or talks about their fields of work.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time! And Happy New Year!