🤯Did you know that the word "vote" comes from the Latin "votum," which was a promise made to the gods in order to obtain something desired? 🙌 When this oath was taken, the person became devoted, meaning committed to their vote and had to fulfill it to not disappoint the divinity and avoid receiving their punishment 👹. Hence, we have vows of silence, marriage vows... and electoral votes 🗳️. Choosing is about discarding, and making a decision can be quite difficult, but changing an opinion that we have held for years becomes extremely challenging. For this occasion, we asked ourselves in the editorial, who could help us question and overcome deeply rooted beliefs, resist the social pressure of our surroundings to think for ourselves, and provide us with new information to contrast? 🤔
📬 In this newsletter, we present three campaigns that shout from the rooftops that indispensable people are the brave ones who fight against injustices and go the extra mile for you to know them, such as the comrades of Fraguas Revive in their struggle to rebuild a village expropriated by Franco's regime, the Baynana family driving a magazine from and about the migrant collective, and the entire Carne Cruda community with almost 10 years of independent journalistic activity. Get to know their campaigns, their proposals, and support them if you feel connected to their cause. Your vote counts 😜
Fraguas Libertad 🕊️

🏚️ In 2013, the Fraguas Revive project was born in a village abandoned since 1968, forcibly and fraudulently expropriated by the Franco regime and destroyed through military practices. The project aimed to rebuild the village of Fraguas based on values such as self-sufficiency, ecology, heritage recovery, and community living.
🏡 Despite being a project with a positive impact on the local demography and economy, as it is located in one of the most depopulated areas in Europe with fewer than 2 inhabitants per square kilometer, the regional government of Castilla-La Mancha, the owner of the land, does not view it favorably. In 2017, six people were convicted as real estate speculators, even though the requirements were not met: no new building construction, no urbanization, and no authorized development whatsoever.
💪 The sentence imposes the cost of demolishing the village, estimated at 110,000 euros, or the imprisonment of these six people for 2 years and 3 months. After 10 years of legal battle and exhausting all possible avenues, the Fraguas project focuses on preventing the imprisonment of these six individuals. Show your solidarity and support them at... goteo.cc/fraguaslibertad.
Baynana 🌿

🌿 Baynana is almost a miracle. Creating a media outlet in Spain as Syrian refugees was unthinkable. But they achieved it. A huge community embraced us and supported us. Since then, Baynana has fought to embrace diverse perspectives and tell important stories that are often undervalued.
👁️ Baynana means "among us" and includes all of us: 'we' are 'everyone', there is no 'other' or 'them'. Founded with the support of the porCausa Foundation, a magazine has been built with a distinctive value of enriching the narrative from and about the migrant community, promoting cultural diversity, and combating stereotypes and hate speech.
🌍 Now they need one final push to fully establish themselves as an independent media outlet. Just one more support to consolidate a complete journalistic project that will inspire all the media outlets created by migrants to come in... goteo.cc/hagamosposiblebaynana.
Carne Cruda ✊

🏛️ "Let's proclaim the Republic!" is the call of Carne Cruda, because the Independent Republic of Radio is breaking free completely and will build its own studio open to its listeners in a venue in the center of Madrid.
🎙️ Carne Cruda has nearly 10 years of independently funded seasons, with no companies or political parties behind it. It has become Spain's first listener-funded radio program and continues to fight every day to provide critical and independent journalism, reporting from refugee camps in Lesbos, to Cañada Real (which still lacks electricity) during the Filomena snowstorm, to the Polish-Ukrainian border in the second month of the war, and to many other places where we firmly believe it is necessary to give a voice to those whom the powerful do not hear. They are moving to their own house but will still be virtually hosted on the Eldiario.es website.
✊ Now that they have decided to leave the studio to connect with the entire community and create a meeting place, join them and make this space possible, where you can go to see them and gather to enjoy programs, concerts, presentations, meetups, events, and much more, atgoteo.cc/vamosaproclamarlarepublica.
Rural Projects Workshops 🌾🐑

🚜 Are you passionate about permaculture, repopulation, agroecology, biodiversity, sustainability, and more? Well, you're in luck because we want to get to know you better!
📰 From the Rural Channel powered by Goteo.org, we invite you, your collective, or your organization to finance your rural-related project through crowdfunding.
📹 Take advantage of the free workshop focused on the rural environment that we have organized to learn about the key aspects of this financing method. Join us on Tuesday, May 23, from 10 am to 12 pm. Sign up here and empower the next social impact project!
And you?

😙Do you think that crowdfunding is not sufficiently known in your community or organization? Support us so that we can continue to disseminate our knowledge among initiatives that need financing and give a significant boost to their digital transition.
🙌 Choose the reward in our campaign #Síguenoslacorriente and you can request a 2-hour digital session to introduce crowdfunding in your community.
See you in 15 days! 😜
That's all for now. We hope this newsletter has encouraged you to keep moving towards the society for all that we are slowly approaching. See you next time!

Following our goal of helping to develop the economy of common goods and the power of open source tools, we are now members of Meet.coop! It is a cooperative for online meetings that cares about privacy and allows individuals and organizations to have high-quality online meetings with ethical tools.