😝 If you've been part of the Goteo community for a long time, you already know that we take education very seriously. We could summarize it in the belief that education is not preparation for life, but life itself. Therefore, in this article we invite you to learn about all the projects published so far in goteo.cc/educacion, as well as encourage you to publish yours here.

😎 We understand that in summer and outside of school you continue to learn a lot and today we also want to recommend you to read the first edition of Platoniq's "Wilder Journal". 🎉
🔥In it we gather experiences and experiment first-hand with new ways of promoting democracy: "The power of (mis)informing: a journey on the back of the homo vespertilio", "Democratic Funding: citizens choose their future. Limits and hopes in Participatory Budgeting and Matchfunding", "What role do cultural institutions play in the spread of misinformation?"... are some of the dozen articles that are waiting for you to read at your own pace.
🪑 On this occasion, being apprentices of Freire's wisdom and aware that participation is learned by participating, we present this new article where we tell you how we have embarked on BePart, a European project that promotes processes of participation, empowerment and youth leadership in schools.
🎓 We have talked with high school teachers from Barcelona, Madrid and surroundings. Through their eyes, we have landed in a somewhat arid reality for a real participation of the students but with great potential: that of young people, high school students.
😉 Enter to know her great spirit of participation and desire to be useful in ["BePart": Does the decision of a student have the same power as that of a teacher?](https://journal.platoniq.net/es/ wilder-journal-1/reports/be-part-does-a-students-decision-have-the-same-power-as-a-teachers/) and we share impressions on networks.