¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

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Finished 09 / 01 / 2019
$ 114,202
$ 94,466
$ 258,510
91 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Thanks to

    Your name on the grateful list

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 327

    Thanks to + Zamarra’s CD

    Your name on the grateful list + a fantastic Zamarra’s CD (NODE Sonoro Producciones)
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    Thanks to + No Violence Book

    Your name on the grateful list + No Violence Book (NODE Sonoro Producciones)
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    Thanks to + Wool

    Your name on the grateful list + Wool Ball (NODE Dehesa Lana)
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 655

    Thanks to + Wardoll Gnomo

    Your name on the grateful list + Wardoll Gnomo (NODE Alaire)
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 982

    Thanks to + Zamarra’s CD + Alpargata’s CD

    Your name on the grateful list + Zamarra’s CD + Alpargata’s CD (NODE Sonoro Producciones)
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,310

    Thanks to + Book “Resistencia Indígena”

    Your name on the grateful list + Book “Resistencia Indígena” (author, Jesús Castañar; NODE Sonoro Producciones)
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,310

    Thanks to + ecological basket

    Your name on the grateful list + a ecological basket (you can collect it in Cáceres city; NODE Cáceres para comérselo).

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,528

    Thanks to + a board game

    Your name on the grateful list + a board game (NODE La Factoría Lúdica).
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,528

    Thanks to + Wool Workshop

    Your name on the grateful list + Wool Workshop (you can collect it in Cáceres city; NODE La Dehesa Lana).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    Thanks to + Wool Fairy

    Your name on the grateful list + Wool Fairy (NODE Alaire).
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    Thanks to + Cookery Course

    Your name on the grateful list + Cookery Course (you can attend it in Cáceres city; NODE Amapola).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,275

    Thanks to + Amapola Basket

    Your name on the grateful list + Amapola Basket (NODE Amapola).
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,275

    Thanks to + Big Basket + Waldorf Doll

    Your name on the grateful list + a varying big basket (NODE Cáceres para comérselo) + a Wool Waldorf Doll (NODE Alaire).
    (You can collect it in Cáceres city).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    Thanks to + Amapola Basket + Board Game

    Your name on the grateful list + Amapola Basket (NODE Amapola) + Board Game (NODE Factoría Lúdica).
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    Thanks to + a Cookery Course + a Big Basket

    Your name on the grateful list + a cookery course (you can attend it in Cáceres city; NODE Amapola) + a varying big basket (NODE Cáceres para comérselo).
    (You can collect it in Cáceres city).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,550

    Thanks to + a big board game

    Your name on the grateful list + a big board game (NODE Factoría Lúdica).
    (Sendings to Peninsular Spain).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,550

    Thanks to + a Cookery Course + a Big Basket + Wool Fairy

    Your name on the grateful list + a cookery course (you can attend it in Cáceres city; NODE Amapola) + a varying big basket (NODE Cáceres para comérselo) + a wool fairy (NODE Alaire).
    (You can collect it in Cáceres city).

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

“ACTYVAte to change the world” with ACTYVA S. Coop., the integral co-operative from the southwest of Spain.

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Informative material
Notebooks and stationary for the face-to-face training.
$ 1,092
Informative material (2nd stage)
Notebooks and stationery for the face-to-face training.
$ 1,092
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Sending rewards
Delivery costs by rewards.
$ 11,505
Indirect costs
Management of the plarform, banking expenses, comminssions...
$ 9,388
Hosting TICs
Hosting 1st year of TIC tools.
$ 3,275
Sending rewards (2nd stage)
Delivery costs of rewards.
$ 26,285
Inidirect costs
Management of the platform, banking expenses, commissions...
$ 16,374
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Training and consulting services (1st stage)
Courses for the social undertaking for people who are in risk of elimination and/or in a process of reorganizing to a poscapitalist economy of common good.
$ 18,339
Administrative tools (1st stage)
Produce tools and protocols of automation in the administrative tasks taking on specialized people.
$ 54,143
Training and consulting services (2nd stage)
Courses for the social underkating for people who are in risk of elimination and/or in a process of reorganizing to a postcapitalist economy of common good.
$ 18,339
Intranet and catalogue of products
Create the TIC tools to improve the internal and external communication of the co-operative.
$ 21,832
Administrative tools (2nd stage)
Develop tools and protocols of automation in the administrative task taking on specialized people.
$ 76,848
Total $ 94,466 $ 258,510

General information

ACTYVA S. Coop., the integral co-operative from the southwest of Spain, is an open tool to revitalise the local economy, support the social undertaking, the critical consumption and the cooperative principles of mutual aid, taking part in the global network of integral co-operatives.

With this campaign, ACTYVA is looking for creating new tools arranged to the development wich is undergone by the co-operative, achieving thus to guarantee the sustainability that is needed to go on carrying out its social task.

There are a lot of kinds of co-operatives, but everyones must be governed by the so-called ”Co-operative Principles”:

  • Free Joining and Free Retirement.
  • Democratic control by the members.
  • Economic participation by the members.
  • Autonomy and Independence.
  • Education , training and information .
  • Cooperation between co-operatives.
  • Interest for the association.

After almost five years of career and collective experiences, ACTYVA has about 400 members and 20 initiatives of social undertaking, named nodes, which satisfies our necessities in order to offer to the society an alternative economy to the prototype of the predominant market, working in the most different fields: education and training (Alaire, La Factoría Lúdica, Hornoactivo, BBBFarming), architecture and bioclimate buildings (MIGA, SOMOS, Prefabricated biobuildings), production, manufacturing and distribution of food (Cáceres para comérselo, Amapola, Tapandula, Artesaníade la Huerta y Merineando), audiovisual aids and TIC (SonoroProducciones, Servicios Estadísticos Extremeños, Mangall Estudio and Drimbox), gardening (9 Robles), healthy (Musicayte), textile (DehesaLana) and coworking and coexistence area (Espacio Cooperactyvo Borbollón).

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The community that conforms ACTYVA starts this sponsorship campaign looking for supports to carry out three projects that are necessary for its improvement in its working and its sustainability:

  1. Training people who are in risk of elimination to social entrepreneurship and/or in for the social undertaking to a poscapitalist economy of common goods through a specialized consultancy to generate the minium viable product, a aplan of communication and a paperwork of projects.
    It is developed by:

    1. Face to face training sessions.
    2. Online monitoring.
  2. Develop tools and protocols of automation in the administrative works of ACTYVA, reducing the consumption of time and resources:

    1. Speed up the process of membership in economic activities.
    2. Organize (systematize) the economic and documentary paperwork of the entity.
    3. Improve the internal communication of the company.
  3. Carry out a computational platform to exhibit a CATALOGUE OF GOODS AND SERVICES of all the Nodes od ACTYVA:

    1. Every goods and services wich are offered by ACTYVA will be able to be seen at the same place, organized, screened, together or separated by teams or by areas of activity.
    2. Every person, who is interested in, will be able to sign and access to supplies and the lastest news. Members will be able to sign as a member to access special prices and others profits because of being part of the co-operative.

Theses three projects were born because of the necessity of streng the ning the growth and guarantee the sustainability of the co-operative and its members for the medium term. Besides the campaign’s general goal is to make known more the co-operative, its principles, organization and its areas of activities.

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Why this is important

ACTYVA is a network of social undertaking to work creating synergies and improving in models and solutions of integral self-management which produces personal, social and environmental benefits for the environment and the community where it is developed.

Although the most of our activity is developed in the southwest of Spain we interact with other models of altereconomy from the rest of the Peninsula, Europe,America, Africa and Asia. Moreover, we have set up stable synergies and we have developed some projects with ONG that are conservative (Transhumancia and Nature, WWF, Global Nature Foundation), some projects to support refugees (project of Zamarra in Sahara), agriculture and livestock organizations and entities of rural development (Mosaico Integral Association, TAGUS, OvisXXI; Savory Institute, COOPRADO; aleJAB, Extremadura Sana, FEDEHESA, National Association of Animal Traction La Esteva), networks and entities of sustainable buildings (Networks of Wicker Buildings), Investigation Centres (CICYTEX, INDEHESA, University of Extremadura)...

We think that the new economy of the common goods must be built through our own resources, efforts and intelligence without reviling the face to face collaboration with other associate and institutional models.

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Team and experience

The ACTYVA’s motor group was formed by CNT Extremadura and some enterpreneurial people who have been working in an independest way for about 10 years in fields such as the ecological agriculture and livestock, the handmade food and catering, the education and social innovation, the sustainable building, the health promoting, the marketing and the company management, found finding the opportunity of the so called mutual enterpreneurship: initiatives with associated views that work horizontally and ensure their economical sustainability and at the same time they produce a higher social profit from which they would get individually, looking after the project, the process and the people.

After ACTYVA’s birth and along 4 years, more and more associated people have been joining to the co-operative principles, becoming consumer members and users or working members. ACTYVA works for and by its members, working voluntarily, going to the meetings, rotating in the Consejo Rector, which manages the agreements of the general meetings and co-ordinate the current day.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.