¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


  • Contributing $ 326

    Gratefulness mention on the web

    Your name will be in a dropdown footer as well as in a special section

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 761

    Media archive account

    You get a media archive account. So, you can upload videos to your server space, web, apps, etc.. + Gratefulness mention on the web

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,197

    Live-streamer account

    You'll have a liveStreamer account. In order to success as a good streaming,a good upstream bandwidth is needed. So the streaming server maintenance is the most you have to take care :-) + Account media archive + Gratefulness mention on the web

    > 57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,264

    Technical assistance

    You will receive assistance and technical advice to design a specific streaming project. Example: Two IP cameras installation that broadcast 24 hours continuosly from a studio or interactive installation LiveStreamer Account + Media archive account + Gratefulness mention on the web

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 9,791

    1 development plan ticket

    You can include a new functionality in the development plan according your specific needs Example: adressing your streaming directly to your own media archive / web or implementation of libraries and functionalities such as Popcorn.js + Technical Assistance + LiveStreamer Account + Media Archive Account + Gratefulness mention on the web on the web.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16,318

    1 pro development plan ticket

    You can include a new funcionality in the development plan according your specific needs . What makes it different from previous return is the amount of hours of development that involves incorporating functionality. You can follow the entire development process and we will be in constant contact, of course + Technical Assistance+ LiveStreamer Account + Media Archive Account + Gratefulness mention on the web

    > 02 Co-financiers

Versión alpha 1 de la mediateca Adtlantida.tv

30 | 07 | 2013
Versión alpha 1 de la mediateca Adtlantida.tv

Hola queridxs adtlantidxs,

estamos trabajando en la mediateca de Adtlantida.tv y a finales de Agosto sacaremos una primera versión Alpha para hacer los primeros testeos.
Nos pondremos en contacto personalmente con todxs lxs que os ofrecisteis a realizar los test.

En los próximos días también publicaremos en Github el código que estamos armando para la mediateca, que son un theme de wordpress, un plugin y un "fork" de la librería video.js

Arriba una imagen de la mediateca para ir abriendo boca.



Hace 1 decade
Non sei se este será o lugar máis oportuno para facer algúns comentarios sobre o funcionamento da plataforma...?

Subín un vídeo de proba: dev.adtlantida.tv/clip-filosofia-2-0/
E cunha conexión adsl cunha velocidade de baixada de 4.796 kbps vexo SALTOS na imaxe que resultan pouco amables...?

Fixen tamén unha inserción do vídeo no meu blog e aínda que evidentemente podería redimensionar o tamaño volo envío para que vexades o que ocurre cando se inserta nun blog comercial deses que abundan pola rede...

De momento non digo máis por se este non é o lugar para facelo !


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