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Magazine about autism: Family and Upbringing from the Autistic Perspective

Finished 24 / 07 / 2023
£ 2,053
£ 938
£ 3,845
72 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Digital support

    Support the project and we shall extend our gratitude by gifting you the entirety of the magazine's PDF collection, comprising all previously published issues.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Autiblog The Magazine #5 in print (Europe & UK)


    • Autistic magazine issue number 5, which focuses on the topic of family. It consists of 60 pages featuring articles written by 20 autistic authors and illustrated by 8 artists. In English
    • Shipping costs for delivery to any part of Europe & UK
    • A surprise gift
    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    Autiblog The Magazine #5 in print (Rest of the world)


    • Autistic magazine issue number 5, which focuses on the topic of family. It consists of 60 pages featuring articles written by 20 autistic authors and illustrated by 8 artists. In English
    • Worldwide shipping costs.
    • A surprise gift
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    Subscription pack: the 5 issues of the Autiblog The Magazine (Europe & UK)

    Experience the printed collection of Autiblog The Magazine's 5 published issues, delivered right to your doorstep. Shipping costs for Europe & UK are included. In English

    1. LGTBIQA+ Pride: Delve into the intersection of autism and the LGTBIQA+ community, as 70% of autistic individuals belong to this collective. Gain insights from the voices at the forefront of this intersection.

    2. Employment: Explore the harsh realities of unemployment, inaccessible job opportunities, and overwhelming challenges we face daily. Discover ways to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving world of work.

    3. Mental Health: Gain a deeper understanding of the intimate experiences of anxiety and depression that many autistic individuals face. Uncover their unique perspectives and explore potential solutions.

    4. Housing: Delve into the complexities surrounding housing for autistic individuals, where safety and comfort may often be compromised. Learn about the issues at hand and explore alternative approaches.

    5. Family: Family dynamics and parenting can leave profound imprints on any individual, especially when they are autistic. This issue encompasses a wide range of testimonials, from traumatic experiences to stories of reconciliation.

    Immerse yourself in Autiblog The Magazine's diverse content, offering valuable perspectives and shedding light on crucial topics impacting the autistic community.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    Subscription pack: the 5 issues of the Autiblog The Magazine (Rest of the world)

    Experience the printed collection of Autiblog The Magazine's 5 published issues, delivered right to your doorstep. Worldwide shipping costs are included. In English

    1. LGTBIQA+ Pride: Delve into the intersection of autism and the LGTBIQA+ community, as 70% of autistic individuals belong to this collective. Gain insights from the voices at the forefront of this intersection.

    2. Employment: Explore the harsh realities of unemployment, inaccessible job opportunities, and overwhelming challenges we face daily. Discover ways to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving world of work.

    3. Mental Health: Gain a deeper understanding of the intimate experiences of anxiety and depression that many autistic individuals face. Uncover their unique perspectives and explore potential solutions.

    4. Housing: Delve into the complexities surrounding housing for autistic individuals, where safety and comfort may often be compromised. Learn about the issues at hand and explore alternative approaches.

    5. Family: Family dynamics and parenting can leave profound imprints on any individual, especially when they are autistic. This issue encompasses a wide range of testimonials, from traumatic experiences to stories of reconciliation.

    Immerse yourself in Autiblog The Magazine's diverse content, offering valuable perspectives and shedding light on crucial topics impacting the autistic community.

    > 05 Co-financiers
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
¡Esto ya casi acaba! Nuestro paso por Goteo también nos ha permitido explicarnos.
¡Wow, hemos doblado lo que esperábamos obtener en Goteo!
Gracias a todos y todas. Seguimos en Goteo en segunda ronda, ¡a por el óptimo!
Casi, casi, casi estamos… ¿Cómo acabará este Goteo? Haz clic para saber quién nos ha apoyado ya.
A una semana de llegar al mínimo que necesitamos, si aún no has aportado, ¡ahora es el momento!
¡Genial! Objetivo mínimo logrado, muchas gracias a quienes habéis apoyado y difundido la campaña de Goteo
¡Casi llegamos al 100%! Ya está casi el objetivo, ¡gracias!
En el ecuador de la campaña de Goteo, te recordamos otras formas de ayudar aparte de donar.
50% recaudado, ¡ya vemos el vaso medio lleno!

Más de la mitad!

Te agradezco enormemente el apoyo, gracias al cual hemos podido superar la mitad de nuestro objetivo!! :O

Cuanto antes lleguemos al objetivo mínimo, antes recibirás tu revista; así que ayúdanos compartiendo la campaña con tu entorno o redes...

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Llevamos una semana de campaña en Goteo. ¿Sabes a quién nos dirigimos?

Revistas en papel

Con el dinero de las suscripciones hemos podido adelantar el pago de la impresión de las revistas. Han quedado preciosas!! Pero ahora estamos en números rojos :O ¡Apoya ahora nuestra revista autista y sé parte del cambio!

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Tras zarpar, ¡buscamos navegantes! Haz clic para ver los objetivos de nuestra campaña.
¿Conoces nuestro proyecto? Aquí + info de quiénes somos.
Las primeras aportaciones ya han hecho subir el termómetro, ¡pero necesitamos muchas más!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!