Contributing $ 109
Thank you!
Sent by e-mail from the « digital poster agreement » once the process done, with the names of all the sponsors.
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> 00 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Baninduaien kantatzera (I am going to sing): technological folk show
Sent by e-mail from the « digital poster agreement » once the process done, with the names of all the sponsors.
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Sending a song from the show by e-mail or with a link.
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We will notify by e-mail place and time according to Covid situation.
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One CD to choose from previous work the artist took part in as a drummer and designer.
Frank Blackfield: Still free ‘n Rockin’ (2020) Love & Loneliness (2018) We gotta move on (2017)
A percentage will go to the band
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One Vinil to choose from previous work the artist took part in as a drummer and designer: Low Riders banda's Forgive your ennemies (2016) or Plays Lee (2014)
A percentage will go to the band
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Invite the person of your choice to enjoy the show.
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Show and explain the facets of the work at play, one hour.
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Sending a link by e-mail to download all the songs from the show.
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A two hour workshop on Ableton or TD.
We will notify by e-mail place and time according to Covid situation.
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Will insert your own Logo in the 1st 10 sessions.
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Home, in a Bar, Theatre, Town square and so on. All these places will adapt the show to their own specificities and will add expenses due to the equipment needed : Technicians, sound system, lights, projectors and so on.
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Azaroaren 24an eta abenduaren 2an eskeinitako emanaldien irudi batzuekin agurtuko naiz.(argaziak @sumaiss).
Mila esker proiektu hau martxan jartzen lagundu didazuen guztioi.
Eskeini didazuen laguntzarekin emaitza honetara iritsi naiz eta hemendik aurrera, emanaldiak eskeini eta hobetzea da helburua.
Berri gehiago izan nahi badituzue honako helbideetan topatuko nauzue:
Bidean topatuko garelakoan.
Me despido con unas imágenes del 24 de noviembre y el 2 de diciembre (fotos @sumaiss).
Muchísimas gracias por la ayuda ofrecida para arrancar con este proyecto.
Con la ayuda que me habéis ofrecido he llegado a este resultado y de ahora en adelante el objetivo es ofrecer el espectáculo y mejorarlo.
Si queréis más noticias, me encontraréis en las siguientes direcciones:
Esperando que nos encontremos por el camino.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Thank you!
Sent by e-mail from the « digital poster agreement » once the process done, with the names of all the sponsors.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 00 Co-financiers
Song (+Thank you)
Sending a song from the show by e-mail or with a link.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 02 Co-financiers
Free pass (+Thank you + Song)
We will notify by e-mail place and time according to Covid situation.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 06 Co-financiers
CD (+Thank you + Song)
One CD to choose from previous work the artist took part in as a drummer and designer.
Frank Blackfield: Still free ‘n Rockin’ (2020) Love & Loneliness (2018) We gotta move on (2017)
A percentage will go to the band
remember fiscal advantages*
> 09 Co-financiers
Vynil (+Thank you + Song)
One Vinil to choose from previous work the artist took part in as a drummer and designer: Low Riders banda's Forgive your ennemies (2016) or Plays Lee (2014)
A percentage will go to the band
remember fiscal advantages*
> 01 Co-financiers
Two passes (+Thank you + Song)
Invite the person of your choice to enjoy the show.
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> 09 Co-financiers
The inside work (+Thank you + Song + 2 passes)
Show and explain the facets of the work at play, one hour.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 02 Co-financiers
All the songs (+Thank you+ 2 passes)
Sending a link by e-mail to download all the songs from the show.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 13 Co-financiers
Workshop (+Thank you + Song + Pass)
A two hour workshop on Ableton or TD.
We will notify by e-mail place and time according to Covid situation.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 00 Co-financiers
Your Logo (+Thank you + Song + Pass)
Will insert your own Logo in the 1st 10 sessions.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 00 Co-financiers
The show
Home, in a Bar, Theatre, Town square and so on. All these places will adapt the show to their own specificities and will add expenses due to the equipment needed : Technicians, sound system, lights, projectors and so on.
remember fiscal advantages*
> 00 Co-financiers