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Civic Practices

Finished 30 / 07 / 2016
$ 7,388
$ 5,957
$ 12,455
235 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11


    We will send you the book of Civic Practices in PDF (extended version) after it's published.

    > 39 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Book + ebook

    Printed book of Civic Practices + PDF (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 169 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 39

    2 Books + ebook

    2 Printed books of Civic Practices + 2 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 97

    5 Books + ebook

    5 Printed books of Civic Practices + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Lecture + 5 books + ebook

    1-Hour lecture about collective intelligence and collaborative urbanism (online) + 5 printed books + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 325

    Lecture + 10 books + ebook

    1-Hour lecture about collective intelligence and collaborative urbanism (online) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 542

    5 Enrollments in Civic Design course + 5 books + ebook

    5 Enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 5 printed books + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,083

    Consulting + 10 books + ebook

    10 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,625

    Consulting + 5 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + pdf

    12 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 5 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,166

    Consulting + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + ebook

    14 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,332

    Workshop + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + ebook

    In-person workshop of 2 days with 2 facilitators + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version) NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers

Companies, organisations, offices... we want you with us

08 | 06 | 2016

With contributions from 300 € we will include your logo as sponsor in this book.


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