Contributing $ 5
Thanks in our website and the book
We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
> 04 Co-financiers
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Construir en col·lectiu
We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
We will send the book in PDF after its published
1 printed book
1 printed book
1 printed book
1 printed book
5 printed books
We will give you a talk about participation through videocall (1 hour)
10 printed books
We will give you a talk about participation (outside Catalonia travel expenses are not included)
Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 15 people)
Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)
Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)
Manual of Participation in Architecture and Urban Planning
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Minimum | Optimum |
La impressió del llibre es durà a terme amb la cooperativa Pol·len Edicions amb criteris de ecoedició.
$ 3,249 | |
Versió en català
Per poder traduir el llibre al català necessitem un tiratge major.
$ 1,083 | |
Versió en anglès
Per poder traduir el llibre a l'anglès necessitem un tiratge major.
$ 1,083 |
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Despeses de gestió del micromecenatge
Despeses relacionades amb el pagament i la campanya de micromecenatge (comissions de plataformes com Goteo o Paypal)
$ 271 |
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Edició i maquetació
Edició i maquetació del llibre en paper i digital.
$ 542 | |
Generar continguts
Redacció i coordinació de l'apartat manual de la guia.
$ 1,083 | |
Remunerar tasques de redacció
Recompensar les tasques de coordinació del projecte fins ara assumides de forma voluntària.
$ 1,625 | |
Total | $ 5,144 | $ 8,935 |
“Building Collectively” ("Construir en col·lectiu") is a book with print and digital editions that gathers together participatory methodologies for the construction of the city and its buildings.
In the last few years we have lived through a rebirth of participation, which searches for new formulas for empowering citizens and reaching groups of people who have traditionally been excluded: women; youth; immigrants…Despite the growth of interesting participatory processes, there is a lack of reference texts on citizens’ participation in urban domains, especially when it comes to architecture and urban planning. At best, we encounter scattered articles in publications from the social movement sphere, or businesses’, organizations’, and administrations’ partial dissemination of their own projects.
The book is divided into three sections:
Theoretical framework. In this section we have cooperated with other collectives in the Spanish state, who have drafted articles on a variety of themes to illustrate the different spheres of participation.
Manual. This is the main part of the book, where we will systematically define various methodologies, techniques, and tools.
Case studies. These were selected from a number of projects that have been carried out, in order to reflect diverse experiences of participation.
Examples from the sections on Theory and Experiences:
This project stems from the lack of accessible documentation about participation in architecture and urban planning. The publication is directed toward technicians from different disciplines (architecture, urban planning, sociology, political science, etc.), politicians, and people who are involved with participation. It is also directed at residents’ groups that are interested in organizing participatory processes.
We believe that this project is necessary to distinguish the quality of participatory processes, disseminate best practices, and cultivate a culture of participation in our society.
Once this campaign has been completed, we’ll contact you to deliver the rewards. They will be available for pickup at LaCol’s offices in Sants, Barcelona. We will also ship rewards upon payment of:
5€ -Shipping to peninsular Spain with eco-couriers from the cooperative Trèvol
10€ - International shipping
LaCol is an architects’ cooperative in the neighborhood of Sants (Barcelona). We work on architecture for social transformation. Since 2009, we have collaborated on reflecting on and disseminating the role of citizens in the construction of the city through articles, talks, papers, and documentaries…and now we want to do it with this print and digital publication.
Thanks in our website and the book
We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
> 04 Co-financiers
We will send the book in PDF after its published
> 29 Co-financiers
1 exemplar del llibre en paper
1 printed book
> 191 Co-financiers
Book + DVD
1 printed book
> 24 Co-financiers
Llibre + llibre "Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva"
1 printed book
> 11 Co-financiers
Llibre + Llibre "Inventari de Can Batlló" + DVD del documental
1 printed book
> 22 Co-financiers
5 printed books
5 printed books
> 05 Co-financiers
Lecture about participation (online)
We will give you a talk about participation through videocall (1 hour)
> 04 Co-financiers
10 exemplars del llibre
10 printed books
> 02 Co-financiers
Conferència sobre participació o presentació del llibre
We will give you a talk about participation (outside Catalonia travel expenses are not included)
> 01 Co-financiers
Guided visit and drink
Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 15 people)
> 01 Co-financiers
Guided visit and drink
Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)
> 00 Co-financiers
Visita guiada i vermut
Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)
> 00 Co-financiers