Contributing $ 5
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
> 06 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Cultivando Futuros
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
Photograph with a personalised message from one of La Bolina members
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Signed postcard
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Signed postcard
Large organic veg box with our delicious veggies (to be collected in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva or Motril)
La Bolina bookmark
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Large organic veg box with our delicious veggies (to be collected in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva or Motril)
Signed postcard
La Bolina bookmark
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
La Bolina bookmark
Set of conserves
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Small vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Large vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Exclusive half-day visit to La Bolina + 5-courses home-made lunch
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
Thank you mention on t La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Large vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Weekend getaway in El Valle de Lecrin with La Bolina team
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Large vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Weekend getaway in El Valle de Lecrin with La Bolina team
Tailored-made workshop for your organsiation, foundation or friends
Lifetime membership to La Bolina
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
[English below]
¡Buenas noches!
Estamos encantadas de compartir con vosotras que hoy, viernes 14 de junio - cinco días antes de la fecha límite - y gracias a su apoyo, hemos superado nuestro objetivo “mínimo” de 19.909€!
Durante los últimos 35 días, tú (y en este momento 149 personas más), de muchos países de todo el mundo, han donado a la campaña de financiación colectiva “Cultivando Futuros” de La Bolina, permitiendo que se desarrollen los siguientes pasos de este pequeño pero muy potente proyecto de integración y regeneración dirigido a personas migrantes.
Queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad para compartir con vosotras lo importante que es su apoyo a las asociaciones interculturales, de la sociedad civil y de base como la nuestra; que no siempre pueden optar a grandes fondos y/o que no son económicamente sostenibles (al menos en las etapas iniciales). Sin tu apoyo, el trabajo regenerativo de La Bolina - el crecimiento, enseñanza, tutoría, convocatoria y concienciación - no podría continuar.
Ahora nos sentimos muy motivadas para continuar promoviendo esta campaña de financiación durante los próximos 45 días con la esperanza de asegurar la financiación adicional hacia nuestro objetivo "óptimo" de 44.489€. Afortunadamente, ahora que hemos alcanzado nuestro objetivo mínimo (que era todo o nada), cualquier donación que se añada irá también a La Bolina, sea cual sea la cantidad final; al final de la campaña el 28 de julio.
Con apoyo adicional La Bolina podrá reparar el invernadero que tenemos en una de las tierras donadas por las autoridades locales, instalar un sistema de irrigación en un terreno listo para cultivar, pagar a las personas que se encargan de la administración y la gestión del proyecto, pagar a nuestros profesores de agroecología y permacultura para que se encarguen de la enseñanza y la tutoría en el terreno, y ofrecer un apoyo adicional de comercialización a las personas migrantes y a las personas refugiadas que comiencen a cultivar su propia tierra.
Ahora es momento de celebrarlo juntas y de sumar a más gente; así que te agradeceremos si sigues compartiendo nuestra campaña y todo lo que estamos haciendo con tus amigos, familiares y otras redes!
Aquí el enlace en español -
Aquí el enlace en inglés -
Os vamos a mantener informadas de nuestros progresos y, si habéis solicitado una recompensa, esperamos poder entregarla una vez finalizada la campaña!
Todo el equipo de La Bolina estamos super agradecidas por vuestra aportación.
Good evening!
We are delighted to share with you that today, Friday June 14 - five days before the deadline - and thanks to your support, we have exceeded our "minimum" target of 19,909€!
Over the past 35 days, you, and 148 others, from many countries around the world, have donated to La Bolina's crowdfunding campaign Cultivando Futuros, allowing the next steps of this small but very potent migrant-led integration and regeneration project to be developed.
We would like to take this opportunity to share with you how important your support is for intercultural, civil society and grassroots associations like ours, which are not always eligible for larger funds and which cannot be commercially sustainable (at least not in the initial stages). Without your support, the regenerative work of La Bolina - cultivating, teaching, mentoring, convening and awareness raising - could not continue.
We are motivated to continue to promote this funding campaign over the next 45 days in the hope of securing additional funding towards our "optimal" target of €44,489. Fortunately, now that we have reached our minimum target (which was all-or-nothing), sny future donations will be guaranteed to go to La Bolina, no matter what the final amount at the end of the campaign on 28th July.
With additional support, La Bolina will be able to repair the greenhouse on land donated by local authorities, install an irrigation system on land ready to be cultivated, pay our project managers to take care of project administration and management, pay our agroecology and permaculture teachers to teach and mentor on the land and offer additional commercialisation support to migrants and refugees who will in the coming months start to cultivate their own pieces of land.
Please take this time to celebrate with us; and if you feel drawn, to share what we are doing with your friends, family and networks.
The Spanish link is here -
The English link is here -
We look forward to keeping you up to date with our progress and to delivering your reward to you at the end of the campaign (if you requested one).
With deep gratitude from all the team at La Bolina.
Besos from Granada
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
> 06 Co-financiers
Credits + Personalised digital photograph
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
Photograph with a personalised message from one of La Bolina members
> 11 Co-financiers
Credits + Bag + Postcard
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Signed postcard
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 24 Co-financiers
Credits + handbook + bag + postcard + L veg box + bookmark
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Signed postcard
Large organic veg box with our delicious veggies (to be collected in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva or Motril)
La Bolina bookmark
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 19 Co-financiers
Credits + handbook + bag + postcard + L veg box + bookmark + tshirt
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Large organic veg box with our delicious veggies (to be collected in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva or Motril)
Signed postcard
La Bolina bookmark
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 03 Co-financiers
Credits + handbook + bag + postcard + tshirt + bookmark + set of conserves
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
La Bolina bookmark
Set of conserves
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 15 Co-financiers
Credits + handbook + bag + postcard + tshirt + set of conserves + S veg box subscription (or recipes' book)
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Small vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 03 Co-financiers
Credits + handbook + bag + postcard + tshirt + set of conserves + L veg box subscription (or recipes' book) + La Bolina visit
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Large vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Exclusive half-day visit to La Bolina + 5-courses home-made lunch
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 02 Co-financiers
Credits + handbook + bag + postcard + tshirt + set of conserves + L veg box subscription (or recipes' book) + La Bolina weekend
Thank you mention on t La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Large vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Weekend getaway in El Valle de Lecrin with La Bolina team
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 00 Co-financiers
Credits + handbook + bag + postcard + tshirt + set of conserves + L veg box subscription (or recipes' book) + La Bolina weekend + tailored-made workshop + lifetime membership
Thank you mention on the La Bolina website
La Bolina agroecology handbook (pdf)
Unique La Bolina screen-printed bag
Screen-printed La Bolina t-shirt
Signed postcard
Set of conserves
Large vegetable box subscription x 1 year if based in El Valle, Granada, Orgiva, Motril or a digital copy of the limited edition La Bolina recipes' book with traditional recipes shared by local people and migrants living in the area
Weekend getaway in El Valle de Lecrin with La Bolina team
Tailored-made workshop for your organsiation, foundation or friends
Lifetime membership to La Bolina
Includes shipping to Spain, outside Spain adding shipping costs.
> 01 Co-financiers
Pro-bono legal advice
Consultancy over marketing strategies and commercialisation channels in the area
Help in accountancy and day-to-day project administration
Online content translation and face-to-face interpreters in: Spanish, English, French, Arabic, Wolof.
Second-hand tools to work the land
Parts of irrigation systems
Artists willing to offer free workshops to migrants, refugees and unemployed young locals
Stack-able and re-usable boxes to deliver vegetables.