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Desarrollando el Mercado de Economía Solidaria

Finished 25 / 01 / 2013
$ 286,084
$ 135,357
$ 270,496
295 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Social Market documentation and map

    You should have private access to Social Market site and we send you a file with all social market docs and a map with all the entities that are members of the Social Market.

    > 106 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    5 € voucher

    5 € voucher that you can spent in any product or service offered by a Social Market's member + private access to the site + docs and map of member entities + web appreciation

    > 64 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    10 € Voucher

    10 € voucher that you can spent in any product or service offered by a Social Market's member + private access to the site + docs and map of member entities + web appreciation

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    20 € Voucher

    20 € voucher that you can spent in any product or service offered by a Social Market's member + private access to the site + docs and map of member entities + web appreciation

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,275

    Councelling // Talk // Workshop

    Only for organizations: councelling, a talk or a workshop about solidarity economy + private access to the site + docs and map of member entities + web appreciation

    > 09 Co-financiers

Building the social market

10 | 11 | 2012
Building the social market

On 6th of November, we launched a crowdfunding campaign to help to the development of social market in Spain. This is one of the proyects in which REAS have been working during the last years.

By Social Market we understand a production, distribution and consumption network, developed by consumers and solidarity economy compañies, that retails goods and services produced with ethical, democratic, ecological and solidarity values, by locally based companies.

We aim to develop instruments and tools that will help us to inter-cooperate and to promote mutual support among consumers, dealers and companies seeking for global responses, from our role as economic agents. Some of this tools, in which we are already working, are a web to provide information and awareness to consumers, the building of participatory certification tools, the introduction of complementary currencies in local markets and the promotion of faires and meeting places between consumers, distributors and producers.

The products that are distributed in this social market meet three characteristics. They are socially useful, environmentally sustainable and have been produced in a fairly and democratic way. Moreover, we understand the social market as a tool that generates collective learning, social relationships and innovative projects.

The objectives of the campaign are:

    • To collet money in order to develop tools that helps us to advance in the development of the Social Market.
    • To raise the knowledge of Social Market and its entities between different people.
    • To build synergies between people and entities that are involved the Social Market.

As you for sure already knows, crowdfunding is a massive small quantity funding through an internet platform, where people can make monetary contributions (and non-monetary also), helping us to build the social market.

The funds given by the people will be use for the next things:

Monetary Contributions

  • Web Development - 4000 €
  • Preparation, editing and integration into a database of the guide criteria for a social market (Social Balance) - 5000 €
  • Work coordination of Web content Konsumoresponsable.coop - 2200 €
  • Outreach work, host - 1190 €

Non-Monetary Contributions

  • Website Development
  • APP Development social currency
  • Management fees and communication

How can you help us?

1.- You can support us giving a donation in goteo platfform to the proyect. It's simple: Go to http://goteo.org/user/login, in the right column. complete your data to get a user. Go to http://goteo.org/project/desarrollando-el-mercado-de-economia-solidaria and choose the amount you want to donate and complete bank details.

2.- You can help us to spread the information of the campain between your friends, collegues and contacts, spreding the information of the project.

2.1 For the comunication of the campaing one of the main ways we are using is twitter. We've created the hashtag: #supportmercadosocial and we are using @ReasMadrid and @Mmercadosocial profiles to inform about the campaing and to awareness people of all the news and needs. You can follow the twitter and facebook profiles and share the information between your contacts.

2.2. You can embed the form to participate in the campaign with the following code:


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