Contributing $ 109
Web Thanks
Your name will appear in the public list of acknowledgments at EIRO website.
> 12 Co-financiers
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EIRO - Open Source Robot Kit
Your name will appear in the public list of acknowledgments at EIRO website.
Your name will appear in the credits of EIRO video presentation + Web Thanks
Exclusive design of EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
PDF file of assembly guide and files for 3D printing of EIRO pieces + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
3D printed scale model of EIRO robot + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
All 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
All electronic components used in EIRO + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
All electronic components and all 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
One EIRO kit (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
Two EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Two 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Two EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
Designed for teachers, trainers, schools or civic centers: Five EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Five 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Five EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
Do you want your logo appears printed on EIRO giftboxes? If you want to be our Sponsor and also get five EIRO kits, this is your choice. Your logo will be printed on all giftboxes that we manufacture up to 300 units maximun.
Educational robotics kit for an open source programmable humanoid robot assembly
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Inside robot program development
$ 5,458 | |
Android application development for monitoring and robot control.
$ 9,824 | |
Redesign of robot parts for 3D printing.
$ 7,641 | |
Product box design
$ 2,183 | |
Robot assembly guide artwork
$ 6,550 | |
3D printing, parts processing, testing and quality control.
$ 2,183 | |
Presentations and animations recording.
$ 5,458 | |
Videotutorials recording.
$ 3,275 | |
Educational guide artwork.
$ 6,550 | |
Android app developening including educational games with robot interaction.
$ 21,832 |
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Required electronic components and modules.
$ 65,495 | |
3D printing material needed for robot structure parts.
$ 10,916 | |
Product boxes and instruction guide printing.
$ 13,099 | |
Additional components and modules for more advanced robot features.
$ 30,565 | |
Printing robot educational guide.
$ 10,916 |
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Printer for printing the pieces of robot structure.
$ 10,916 | |
On minimum: 4% for platform maintenance and 2% for payment gateway.
$ 8,951 | |
On the optimun: 4% for platform maintenance and 2% for payment gateway.
$ 5,240 | |
3D printer for printing structure robot parts with a higher quality finishing.
$ 7,641 | |
Total | $ 148,675 | $ 234,692 |
Do you want to build your own humanoid robot?
And do you want to learn how robots work, how they are programmed and enjoy at the same time?
Do you also want the design to be original, flexible and open source?
There's no room for doubt! What you need is EIRO.
EIRO is a robotics kit that lets you build your own humanoid robot based on open source Arduino platform and whose pieces are made by 3D printing.
EIRO robot has mobility in its legs, arms and head, being able to play, walk, dance, overcome obstacles, play sounds and be controlled with a smartphone connecting via Bluetooth.
First of all EIRO is an educational kit, so it focuses its efforts not only in training about assembly and operation of this robot, if not to teach, among other things, the history of robotics, what is a robot, necessary concepts to understand how they work, types of robots, introduction to programming, didactic exercises to undertake basic educational skills of the nursery and primary courses,... all thanks to incorporating a complete illustrated guide and an amazing app for Smartphone.
Also do not forget that EIRO can save the limitations imposed by manufacturers of conventional robots, as its essence Open Source enables modify it freely. Giving the user the possibility to modify its structural design, hardware architecture, internal code and the smartphone control app.
EIRO design is based on the traditional Galician dance costume, that’s why robot parts make use of black, red and white colors, incorporating a piece of red belt like a sash and the aesthetics of its head that recalls the cap used in this dance.
EIRO robot dimensions when mounted are 140x150x93 mm and its weight is of about 880 gr.
The material of its structure components is plastic PLA manufactured by 3D printing.
It has as central unit an Arduino compatible board, an ultrasonic sensor, a buzzer, seven servos, a RGB LED, micro-USB slot and Bluetooth connection.
And it also has an EIRO Control App compatible with Android platform.
EIRO is presented as an educational kit assembly since the construction of a robot is a stimulus for both children and adults, encouraging interest in science and motivating a healthy activity. The use of this technological resource, allows through play, develop skills such as autonomy, initiative, responsibility and teamwork. Also developing self-esteem and interest in research, while knowledge of electronics, mechanics, mathematics, physics and programming are acquired.
In short this kit supports and strengthens specific areas of knowledge and development of user skills through the design, creation, assembly and playing the humanoid robot EIRO.
The kit includes the following parts:
Open Source philosophy is present in the structural design, hardware and software of EIRO robot.
Likewise, the Android smartphone app, for robot remote control, is also open source.
The firmware is open source and all documentation related to this device is published under Creative Commons licenses.
EIRO is an educational kit recommended for both children and adults, both for those who want to start in the exciting world of robotics, and those who prefer to learn about development and programming of robots.
In NeuKos Robotics we defend the right of users to modify the products and tools, and adapt them freely to promote technological independence and encourage creative freedom.
EIRO project aims to extend the community of free developers using Open Source tools, connecting EIRO users with other communities that also share and create open source projects.
True to our commitment of the free dissemination of knowledge, we have conducted several workshops about development and robot programming in different parts of the country where have participated many creative people with DIY spirit.
The aim of this campaign is to crowdfunding to meet the associated costs to the process of design, production and documentation of a educational robotics kit for the assembly of EIRO, a humanoid open source robot which will have the ability to walk, dance, overcome obstacles, make sounds and be controlled with a smartphone connected via bluetooth.
It is a DIY kit with assembly guide and documentation about its software and hardware, structural design of the robot and a training guide to get the most out of EIRO in the education sector.
In addition, the robot is designed in such a way that will allow advanced users to add features and capabilities, depending on their needs.
It also aims to develop a reference web space where people could find all content and useful information related to this project: schematics, manuals, video tutorials, practical examples, links, consultation forums, faqs, etc.
We also want to build a community around this project to connect with other communities of users who share this understanding and create free hardware, encouraging the use of open source code tools in all areas.
NeuKos Robotics is a business initiative born in December 2013 in Santiago de Compostela with the aim of bringing the world of robotics to everyone.
EIRO project team is composed by people with experience working on different jobs in the field of robotics, electronics, programming and design. They are following:
• María Mercedes Monroy Cardoso - Computer Engineer
• Maria Cristina Alonso Abad - Product Designer
• Victor Manuel Vigo Prieto - Videographer
• Marcos Alonso Martinez - Electronic Engineer
Web Thanks
Your name will appear in the public list of acknowledgments at EIRO website.
> 12 Co-financiers
Video Thanks
Your name will appear in the credits of EIRO video presentation + Web Thanks
> 08 Co-financiers
EIRO Pinback Button
Exclusive design of EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 11 Co-financiers
Development guide and 3D files
PDF file of assembly guide and files for 3D printing of EIRO pieces + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 02 Co-financiers
3D Model
3D printed scale model of EIRO robot + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 06 Co-financiers
3D parts
All 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 03 Co-financiers
All electronic components used in EIRO + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 04 Co-financiers
EIRO Pieces
All electronic components and all 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 01 Co-financiers
One EIRO kit (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 21 Co-financiers
Two EIRO Kits
Two EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Two 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Two EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 04 Co-financiers
Five EIRO Kits
Designed for teachers, trainers, schools or civic centers: Five EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Five 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Five EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 02 Co-financiers
EIRO Kit Sponsor
Do you want your logo appears printed on EIRO giftboxes? If you want to be our Sponsor and also get five EIRO kits, this is your choice. Your logo will be printed on all giftboxes that we manufacture up to 300 units maximun.
> 00 Co-financiers
If yours are languages and technology ... We are happy to have your help!
We need people to help us announce the project and find potential EIRO users at national and internacional level.
Do you like industrial design and digital manufacturing?, do you have 3D printer? Collaborate helping us with design testing.
If you are interested in Open Source possibilities and you have an idea to develop apps for EIRO, we encourage you to collaborate with us!
Do you know electronics? You can collaborate with us with testing and improving EIRO electronics.