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Fungi natur. Cultivo artesanal de setas en el bosque

Finished 29 / 12 / 2018
$ 18,421
$ 10,830
$ 19,494
324 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Online thanks + Mycological basket raffle

    Basket includes a shiitake production log+ 500g fresh shiitake + 1 jar sliced dehydrated shiitake
    For foreign shipping we include two jar of deydrated shiitake insteat of fresh shiitake.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Guided visit + Mushroom tasting

    A complete guided tour of our current forest farm to discover the whole shiitake cultivation process, ending with a mushroom tasting session showcasing different cooking methods.

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Shiitake mushroom log

    Grow your own shiitake mushrooms at home with this oak log ready to start producing. National shipping included; contact us for international shipping rates (info@funginatur.com).

    > 122 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Video tutorial course on organic shiitake farming

    A complete video course including both theory and practice. Learn step-by-step everything you need to know to easily grow organic shiitake mushrooms in your garden.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Grow log + guided visit

    Grow your own shiitake mushrooms at home with this oak log ready to start producing + complete guided tour of our current forest farm to discover the whole shiitake cultivation process, ending with a mushroom tasting session showcasing different cooking methods.

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Complete shiitake farming course + Shiitake log

    A complete 3 hour course on the Fungi natur Farm. This course will have both theoretical and practical parts, learning about mushroom biology and cultivation. Each participant will prepare their own shiitake log.

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 81

    3 Shiitake log pack

    With this pack you can start your own organic shiitake mushroom production at home. National shipping included; contact us for international shipping rates (info@funginatur.com)

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Spring forest party + Shiitake Log

    Invitation for two people to a very special spring party in the forest! There will be eco-snacks and drinks, childrens activities and live music through the night!. And take your own Shiitake log when you leave!

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Spring forest party + Shiitake Log + Complete course

    Invitation for two people to a very special spring party in the forest! There will be eco-snacks and drinks, childrens activities and live music through the night! And take your own Shiitake log when you leave! + A complete 3 hour course on the Fungi natur Farm. This course will have both theoretical and practical parts, learning about mushroom biology and cultivation. Each participant will prepare their own shiitake log.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Shiitake mushroom self-cultivation kit

    A complete self-cultivation kit with all you need to start your own shiitake mushroom production. Including: Shiitake cultivation manual + Shiitake mycelium (enough for 40 logs!) + Special japanes drill bit + Beeswax (to seal the inoculation holes). You will only need to get the logs.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 271

    Shiitake mushroom self-cultivation kit + Complete shiitake farming course + Shiitake log

    With this option you will become a shiitake mushroom farmer! It includes the Complete mushroom-farming course + 40 log shiitake self-cultivation kit+ shiitake log ready to produce.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 325

    Awsome 5-course tasting menu in the forest + Spring forest party + Shiitake log.

    Awesome 5-course tasting menu in the forest by 'Con-fusion Comidas Eco-Catering' + Invitation for two people to a very special spring party in the forest! + Shiitake log ready to produce.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 542

    Personal advice and formation for professional mushroom farming and forest sustainable management

    If you live in a rural area and want to develop a sustainable mushroom cultivation project or have a forested property and want to get some yield from it, we can give you personal advice and all materials and tools needed for your project. And of course you and a companion are invited to the spring party in the forest!

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

We want to produce natural, high quality food, through the local and sustainable use of native forest resources

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
1. Purchase of a new farm
Our old farm is not big enough for our growing needs, so we now require a new property to upscale mushroom production a 1Ha forested farm with a neighbouring river that will give us the correct humidity and shade for growing mushrooms.
$ 8,123
2. Fruiting house with shading net for mushroom production.
We are going to build a wood structure with a green roof and mosquito net where we keep the logs when producing mushrooms to protect them from rain, slugs and insects.
$ 2,708
3. Native Forest Farm
We need around 1Ha forest for sustainable management of forest resources, to extract high quality oak and chestnut logs for mushroom production.
$ 7,040
4. Riverside trees plantation
We need dense canopy shade on the new farm for optimum mushroom growing conditions, so we will be planting more riverside tree species.
$ 542
5. Immersion Tanks
We need an immersion tank to dip our logs for 24 hours to stimulate mushroom production
$ 542
6. A small wood bridge over the river
We will build a small bridge over the Viacaba river for easier access to the farm.
$ 542
Total $ 10,830 $ 19,494

General information

Beginning in 2016, we have been growing mushrooms in a little forest in Asturias (North-west Spain). We mainly grow shiitake mushrooms using a traditional japanese method, based on the natural conidtions and substrates where mushrooms grow in nature. These mushrooms grow in high-humidity areas under the shade of the forest canopy. Mushrooms cultivated this way are high quality and sustainable.

Our shiitake mushrooms are inoculated in oak logs that have been obtained from a selective cull and pruning process on our own forest farms; careful wood extraction is fundamental to our philosophy of working in an environmentally-conscious manner- sustainable management of native forests increases their value and promote their conservation.

Our forest is not big enough to continue developing our project. We need new forest farm to continue our work. The aim of this crowdfunding campaign is to support part of the purchase of a new farm, as well as buildings necessary to the mushroom-growing process. This new farm will create two new jobs that will contribute to rural development based on a sustainable way of life.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our mushrooms are the result of several lines of work:

  • Employing the forest natural enviroment we produce a healthy, organic and high quality product.
  • We promote local and small market instead of the mainstream market companies.
  • A sustainable management of the native forest to get our mushroom substrate give a new valuable resource to forest.
  • We promote the environmental education trough workshops, guided visits and mushroom courses.
  • We offer the posibility to “do it yourself” with our mushroom cultivation kits and tools.
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Why this is important

Our philosophy is to promote environmental awareness and give value to native forest. We belive in a sustainable agrifood developing model in rural areas.

Our activity is mainly related with local and rural developement, however have bigger influence and general interest by defending a sustainable food production model and promote a healthy way of live and eating.

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Team and experience

Leandro Meléndez is a biologist with a master's degree in Biological resources conservation techniques. He has worked as a field technician in various nature reserves and protected areas and participated in several climate change and species conservation studies. In 2013 he started the Fungi Natur project, growing shiitake mushrooms on an initial 100 logs in a small village in Asturias in Northwest Spain.

In 2017 Gerard Nierga and Macario Iglesias incorporated to Fungi natur looking for a more natural way of life. Gerard and Macario have collaborated with several projets related with organic farming, permaculture and social economy. Macario used to work has an architect specializet in natural materials and bioconstruction.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss