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Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Is the State Nonbinary
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
Get the first edition
1 soft cover copy
28 pages
format A5
and 4stickers
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
For each of this reward, i'll give 10 copies for free to the different climate camps and eco-social festivals like Soulevement de la terre, Alt-shift, Ende geleande, Metamorphosis...
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
Just send love for the free version of the comic
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
> 01 Co-financiers
4 stickers
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
> 05 Co-financiers
Is the State Non Binary ? + get 4 stickers
Get the first edition
1 soft cover copy
28 pages
format A5
and 4stickers
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
> 18 Co-financiers
Sponsor directly the free distribution to activist in need.
For each of this reward, i'll give 10 copies for free to the different climate camps and eco-social festivals like Soulevement de la terre, Alt-shift, Ende geleande, Metamorphosis...
"Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"
> 06 Co-financiers