¡Renovamos Goteo!

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La Casa Del Baile (The Dance House)

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Finished 27 / 07 / 2023
$ 878,204
$ 503,242
$ 822,005
501 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 435

    Come dance with us

    Thank you very much for your input!
    You are already part of this project.

    Your name will be in the acknowledgments both on social networks and on our website.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ...............
    Tax refund: by contributing with €20, the Treasury refunds €16.
You will only pay €4! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 653

    New album by El Naán

    New album by El Náán entitled "La Casa del Baile" comprises 4 unpublished songs. (EP).
    We will send it to you to download it at the end of this campaign.

    + Your name will be in the acknowledgments, both on social networks and on our website.

    Thanks to your donation we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ................

    Tax refund: by contributing with €30, the Treasury refunds €24.
You will only pay €6! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 979

    Come dance wearing our t-shirt

    T-shirt "The Earth for those who dance it" an original design by Niquis del Páramo.
    + shipping by national mail.

    + EP album by El Naán entitled "La Casa del Baile".
    + acknowledgent on our website and social networks.
    + Thanks to your donation, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. ................ ......
    Tax refund: by contributing with €45, the Treasury refunds €36.
You will only pay €6! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 172 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 979

    Come dance with Food Sovereignty

    Annual subscription to the wonderful and necessary "Food Sovereignty, Biodiversity and Cultures Magazine"

    +shipping by national mail. You will receive it at home 4 times a year, with each season.

    + EP album by El Naán entitled "La Casa del Baile".

    + thanks on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your donation we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ................
    Contribute tax relief: contributing €45, the Treasury returns €36.
    You will pay only €9! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,305

    Inauguration Party of the Casa del Baile

    Entrance to the opening party of the Casa del Baile at the end of summer 2023.

    + EP album by El Naán :"La Casa del Baile".
    + acknowledgent on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.

    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ................
    Tax refund: by contributing with €60, the Treasury refunds €48.
    You will only pay €12! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 34 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,176

    Come to the Inaguration Party with a friend

    Come to the Inauguration Party of the Casa del Baile with a friend.

    2 Tickets for the opening party of Casa del Baile at the end of summer 2023.
    + EP album by El Naán entitled "La Casa del Baile".
    + acknowledgent on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    Tax refund: by contributing with €100, the Treasury refunds €80.
    You will only pay €20! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 63 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,264

    Come and dance with us in one of these courses of the Rural University

    Two-day course at the Rural University. You can choose one of the following courses:

    Course on Ancestral Knowledge and Experimental Archeology with Héctor Castrillejo.

    Traditional Percussion Course with Sergio López Santos and Carlos Herrero.

    Yarn Spinning course with La Trama by Marta Valdivielso.

    Cerrato Family Musical Adventure with Música con Rechupete.

    Radio and podcast creation and production course with KJabali Community Radio.

    + EP album by El Naán "La Casa del Baile".

    + your name in the acknowledgments on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    The courses will take place in Summer\Autumn 2023.
    ............................................................... ......................
    Tax refund: by contributing with €150, the Treasury refunds €120.
    You will only pay €30! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 45 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,916

    Come dance with your Pandero Cuadrado

    Handmade pandero cuadrado in Tabanera de Cerrato by the musicians and percussionists of the UniRural craft workshop.

    + national shipping
    + EP album by El Naán.
    + your name in the acknowledgments on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. ......................
    Tax refund: by contributing €180, the Treasury refunds €130.5.
You will only pay €49.5! Calculate it 👉here

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,439

    Patron of the Dancing House

    This reward is for those people, associations, organizations, companies and other initiatives that want to be Patrons of Casa del Baile.

    Your logo will be permanently on the web and your insitution will be ackowledged on the social networks of the Casa del Baile as a collaborating patron.

    + Multiple downloads of the unpublished album by El Naán.
    + 2 tickets for the inauguration party of the Casa del Baile.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. .........
    Tax refund: (80% if you are an individual, 35% for organizations\companies)
By contributing with €250, the Treasury refunds €155.
You will only pay €95! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,879

    Patrons go to the Naán winery

    This reward is designed for those people, associations, organizations, companies and other initiatives that want to be Patrons of Casa del Baile

    +Dinner at the Naán winery, a musical and gastronomic experience in an intimate space.

    +Your logo permanently on the web and acknowledgment on social networks of the project as a collaborating patron.

    +Multiple downloads of the unpublished album by El Naán "La Casa del Baile".
    +2 tickets for the inauguration party of the Casa del Baile

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ............................

    Tax refund: (80% if you are an individual, 35% for organizations\companies)
    By contributing with €500, the Treasury refunds €243.
You will only pay €257! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,757

    Great Patrons

    We will create a beautiful handmade tile plate with your name or the name\logo of your association and hang it the ball room of the Casa del Baile where it will remain forever.

    This reward is designed for those people, associations, organizations, companies and other initiatives that want to be an essential pillar in the rescue of the Casa del Baile.
    + Your logo permanently on the web and acknowledgment on social networks for your role as a Great Patron.

    + Multiple downloads of the unpublished EP album by El Naán: "La Casa del Baile".
    + 4 tickets for the inauguration party of the Casa del Baile.

    +Dinner at the Naán winery, a musical and gastronomic experience with friends.
    Thanks to your donation, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.

    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. ................................

    Tax refund: (80% if you are an individual, 35% for organizations\companies)
By contributing with €1000, the Treasury refunds €417.5!
You will only pay €582.5! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 01 Co-financiers

501 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

$ 1,305

Raúl Alcanduerca

$ 2,176
Support message:
Cuando los proyectos son necesarios el altruismo y el compromiso los hacen realidad...

Estela Orozco Sanz

$ 3,264
$ 979


$ 979


$ 979

Nuria Hernando de Blas

$ 2,176
Support message:
Con el compromiso e iniciativas como esta, pienso en la inmensidad del ser humano, y por un momento me olvido todo lo que nos arrebatamos a nosotros mismos como sociedad. Gracias por vuestra valentía y tesón!!

Amparo Moroño Díaz

$ 2,176
$ 1,088
$ 653
$ 979
$ 1,305


$ 979
$ 653

Héctor Delgado Pérez

$ 979
Support message:
Baila mueve tu futura cumbre de gusanos Muere bailando grita el nombre de tu primer orgasmo Coma desmesurado cerebral Danza de la muerte ancestral llévame bailando Llévame en MI estupor, no quiero morir llorando En medio de un vacío en paracaídas En medio de un poema recitado bajo cualquier clima Sobre cualquier cima Bailemos, concédeme esta pieza Pues la muerte no percibe la pobreza Aunque ame a la tristeza Loco, como un loco dame vueltas muerte Has que mi sangre hierva, que tiemblen mis piernas Que brote en mis seres amados el llanto Y yo juro por Dios santo ¡lo juro! He de irme contigo bailando Bailemos hasta la muerte Sin ganar, sin perder, en la noche o el amanecer Candela que vibra que gira Me verás arder (Iván David Dueñas)