¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

La Casa Del Baile (The Dance House)

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Finished 27 / 07 / 2023
$ 43,581
$ 24,973
$ 40,792
501 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Come dance with us

    Thank you very much for your input!
    You are already part of this project.

    Your name will be in the acknowledgments both on social networks and on our website.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ...............
    Tax refund: by contributing with €20, the Treasury refunds €16.
You will only pay €4! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    New album by El Naán

    New album by El Náán entitled "La Casa del Baile" comprises 4 unpublished songs. (EP).
    We will send it to you to download it at the end of this campaign.

    + Your name will be in the acknowledgments, both on social networks and on our website.

    Thanks to your donation we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ................

    Tax refund: by contributing with €30, the Treasury refunds €24.
You will only pay €6! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 49

    Come dance wearing our t-shirt

    T-shirt "The Earth for those who dance it" an original design by Niquis del Páramo.
    + shipping by national mail.

    + EP album by El Naán entitled "La Casa del Baile".
    + acknowledgent on our website and social networks.
    + Thanks to your donation, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. ................ ......
    Tax refund: by contributing with €45, the Treasury refunds €36.
You will only pay €6! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 172 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 49

    Come dance with Food Sovereignty

    Annual subscription to the wonderful and necessary "Food Sovereignty, Biodiversity and Cultures Magazine"

    +shipping by national mail. You will receive it at home 4 times a year, with each season.

    + EP album by El Naán entitled "La Casa del Baile".

    + thanks on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your donation we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ................
    Contribute tax relief: contributing €45, the Treasury returns €36.
    You will pay only €9! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Inauguration Party of the Casa del Baile

    Entrance to the opening party of the Casa del Baile at the end of summer 2023.

    + EP album by El Naán :"La Casa del Baile".
    + acknowledgent on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.

    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ................
    Tax refund: by contributing with €60, the Treasury refunds €48.
    You will only pay €12! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 34 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Come to the Inaguration Party with a friend

    Come to the Inauguration Party of the Casa del Baile with a friend.

    2 Tickets for the opening party of Casa del Baile at the end of summer 2023.
    + EP album by El Naán entitled "La Casa del Baile".
    + acknowledgent on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    Tax refund: by contributing with €100, the Treasury refunds €80.
    You will only pay €20! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 63 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Come and dance with us in one of these courses of the Rural University

    Two-day course at the Rural University. You can choose one of the following courses:

    Course on Ancestral Knowledge and Experimental Archeology with Héctor Castrillejo.

    Traditional Percussion Course with Sergio López Santos and Carlos Herrero.

    Yarn Spinning course with La Trama by Marta Valdivielso.

    Cerrato Family Musical Adventure with Música con Rechupete.

    Radio and podcast creation and production course with KJabali Community Radio.

    + EP album by El Naán "La Casa del Baile".

    + your name in the acknowledgments on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    The courses will take place in Summer\Autumn 2023.
    ............................................................... ......................
    Tax refund: by contributing with €150, the Treasury refunds €120.
    You will only pay €30! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 45 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 194

    Come dance with your Pandero Cuadrado

    Handmade pandero cuadrado in Tabanera de Cerrato by the musicians and percussionists of the UniRural craft workshop.

    + national shipping
    + EP album by El Naán.
    + your name in the acknowledgments on our website and social networks.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. ......................
    Tax refund: by contributing €180, the Treasury refunds €130.5.
You will only pay €49.5! Calculate it 👉here

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 270

    Patron of the Dancing House

    This reward is for those people, associations, organizations, companies and other initiatives that want to be Patrons of Casa del Baile.

    Your logo will be permanently on the web and your insitution will be ackowledged on the social networks of the Casa del Baile as a collaborating patron.

    + Multiple downloads of the unpublished album by El Naán.
    + 2 tickets for the inauguration party of the Casa del Baile.

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. .........
    Tax refund: (80% if you are an individual, 35% for organizations\companies)
By contributing with €250, the Treasury refunds €155.
You will only pay €95! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 540

    Patrons go to the Naán winery

    This reward is designed for those people, associations, organizations, companies and other initiatives that want to be Patrons of Casa del Baile

    +Dinner at the Naán winery, a musical and gastronomic experience in an intimate space.

    +Your logo permanently on the web and acknowledgment on social networks of the project as a collaborating patron.

    +Multiple downloads of the unpublished album by El Naán "La Casa del Baile".
    +2 tickets for the inauguration party of the Casa del Baile

    Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.
    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    ................................................................ ............................

    Tax refund: (80% if you are an individual, 35% for organizations\companies)
    By contributing with €500, the Treasury refunds €243.
You will only pay €257! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,080

    Great Patrons

    We will create a beautiful handmade tile plate with your name or the name\logo of your association and hang it the ball room of the Casa del Baile where it will remain forever.

    This reward is designed for those people, associations, organizations, companies and other initiatives that want to be an essential pillar in the rescue of the Casa del Baile.
    + Your logo permanently on the web and acknowledgment on social networks for your role as a Great Patron.

    + Multiple downloads of the unpublished EP album by El Naán: "La Casa del Baile".
    + 4 tickets for the inauguration party of the Casa del Baile.

    +Dinner at the Naán winery, a musical and gastronomic experience with friends.
    Thanks to your donation, we will be able to rescue the Casa del Baile.

    Come dance with us whenever you want!
    .............................................................. ................................

    Tax refund: (80% if you are an individual, 35% for organizations\companies)
By contributing with €1000, the Treasury refunds €417.5!
You will only pay €582.5! Calculate it 👉 here

    > 01 Co-financiers

Felices porque entre todas hemos rescatado la Casa del Baile

Buenos días a todas las mecenas\cofinanciadores de La casa del Baile.

Seguro que a estas alturas ya sabéis que gracias al apoyo de 501 personas\organizaciones logramos alcanzar el Óptimo que nos permitía rescatar el antiguo salón del baile...

[Read more]
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
Ya no somos sólo un grupo, ¡somos legiones de energía positiva!

Quedan 3 días para que finalice el rescate de #LaCasaDelBaile🏡

¡Buenos dias ,buena gente!

Queremos contaros que a 3 dias del final de la campaña de rescate colectivo de #LaCasaDelBaile🏡 estamos muy cerca de lograrlo 🙌🏾
Pero aún tenemos que conseguirlo, así que desde el Naán,la UniRural...

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Tras varias semanas de campaña en Goteo, esto es lo que hemos aprovechado para contar (haz clic).

Vamos a por el Óptimo🏡🙌🏾

Empieza la segunda ronda de financiación de La Casa del Baile 🏡 y en la UniRural, el Naán y K.Jabalí seguimos adelante hasta llegar al Óptimo,que es el que nos permite rescatar este espacio olvidado y ponerlo al servicio comunitario. Hemos...

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Gracias a todos y todas. Seguimos en Goteo en segunda ronda, ¡a por el óptimo!

Quedan 3 días para el final de la primera ronda

¡ Hola buena gente que ya os venís al baile!
Hace 6 días alcanzamos el mínimo de financiación colectiva para el rescate de La Casa del Baile y aún nos quedan **3 días más...

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Quedan 3 días para el final de la primera ronda

¡ Hola buena gente que ya os venís al baile!
Hace 6 días alcanzamos el mínimo de financiación colectiva para el rescate de La Casa del Baile y aún nos quedan **3 días más...

[Read more]
Ya casi llegamos al final. Te necesitamos, ¡estas personas ya han aportado!
A una semana de llegar al mínimo que necesitamos, si aún no has aportado, ¡ahora es el momento!
No ha sido fácil, pero misión cumplida con el objetivo de financiación. ¡Muchas gracias!
Muy cerca del objetivo en Goteo, ¡aporte a aporte!
Wow, donación de 1.000€ a nuestra campaña en Goteo, ¡mil gracias!

Ya somos más de 200 al rescate de La Casa del Baile

¡ Saludos a todas las que ya habéis salido al baile!
Este es un mensaje agradecido por habernos traído hasta aquí.

Dijimos que cuando llegáramos a 200 cofinanciadoras de #LaCasaDelBaile🏡 saldríamos a echarnos un baile y, no sólo hemos...

[Read more]
En el ecuador de la campaña de Goteo, te recordamos otras formas de ayudar aparte de donar.
Doscientas donaciones ya... No es sólo una campaña, ¡es un motor de ilusión!
Llegar hasta aquí ya tiene mérito: ¡50% de recaudación superado!
¡Una semana ya en Goteo! Mira qué nos motiva y a quién nos dirigimos.
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?
Tras zarpar, ¡buscamos navegantes! Haz clic para ver los objetivos de nuestra campaña.
¿Conoces nuestro proyecto? Aquí + info de quiénes somos.
Comienza a moverse la campaña, ¡pero aún falta y es a todo o nada!
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!