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Lum Ha’: La Odisea ambiental

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Finished 08 / 03 / 2020
£ 19,214
£ 18,499
£ 39,521
183 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Thank you!

    You will appear in the final list of all donators of this crowdfunding campaign that will be shared in our social media networks!

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Thank you!

    Now you are part of the Lum Ha' family! Not only will you appear in the list of all donators, but we will also include you in our quarterly report of news and progress at Lum Ha'.

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    One photograph + message of acknowledgement

    As a token of gratitude we will send you via e-mail one of the following photographs in high resolution, so you can convert it into a beautiful print. We will also send you a personal message of acknowledgement.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Two photographs + message of acknowledgement

    As a token of gratitude we will send you via e-mail two of the following photographs in high resolution, so you can convert it into a beautiful prints. We will also send you a personal message of acknowledgement.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Tree with your name

    Your contribution is very valuable. As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name!

    > 57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 59

    Tree with your name + photographs

    Your contribution is very valuable. As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you via e-mail two of the above photographs in high resolution, so you can convert them into beautiful prints.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Tree with your name + set of handcrafted Lum Ha' products

    Tree with your name + set of handcrafted Lum Ha' products
    Your contribution is making a big difference! As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you a set of our handcrafted Lum Ha' products (delivery in Mexico).
    For Europe and other countries we will send you via e-mail two of the above photographs in high resolution, so you can convert them into beautiful prints.

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 252

    Tree with your name + handcrafted ceramic from Amatenango, Chiapas

    As a token of gratitude we will plant a native tree in your name! We will also send you a ceramic handcraft made in the pottery town Amatenango, Chiapas. (delivery in Mexiko and Europe)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 420

    Tree with your name + handcrafted textile, Chiapas

    We will plant a native tree in your name. We will also send you a textile craft made in Chiapas. (shipments to Mexico and Europe only)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 841

    Tree with your name + Weekend in Lum Ha'

    Tree with your name + Weekend in Lum Ha'
    We will plant a native tree in your name. We also offer you a weekend at Lum Ha’ for two people.
    Enjoy a weekend in the mountains of Chiapas! It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals and a tour (walk) in the area.
    You will also receive a personalized thank you e-mail and you will be especially mentioned in our social networks.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 1,682

    Tree with your name + four nights at Lum Ha '+ one tourist attraction in Chiapas

    Tree with your name + four nights at Lum Ha '+ one tourist attraction in Chiapas
    We will plant a native tree in your name.
    We also offer you 4 nights at Lum Ha’ and a visit to a tourist attraction in Chiapas for two people! It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals, a tour (walk) in the area and an over night visit to the Lagos de Colón.
    You will also receive a personalized thank you e-mail and you will be especially mentioned in our social networks.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4,204

    Tree with your name + Membership Lum Ha' + official sponsor on website

    Tree with your name + Membership Lum Ha' + official sponsor on website
    You have become a great sponsor of Lum Ha’ with a permanent recognition on our website! We will also plant a native tree with your name and we offer you a membership to visit Lum Ha' when you wish, once a year for four nights (for two people). It includes lodging at La Casa de la Luna, meals and a visit to a tourist attraction in Chiapas for one night. (valid for three years)

    > 00 Co-financiers

183 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

£ 42
£ 17


£ 59


£ 59
Support message:
Hi Sebastian, bin ein Ex-Kollege von Miriam, die uns auf das Projekt aufmerksam gemacht hat. Respekt Euch allen! Grüßle Helmut
£ 42
Support message:
Hallo liebe Yuri, Hallo lieber Sebastian, ich möchte euch sehr gerne bei eurem Vorhaben unterstützen. Leider kann ich euch derzeit nur mit einem kleinem Betrag weiterhelfen, aber der kommt von Herzen <3 Ich muss ehrlich sagen, dass mich eure Lebensweise (bzw. das was ich davon mitbekomme) wirklich sehr beeindruckt. Gerade in der heutigen Schnelllebigkeit tragt ihr mit eurem Weg einen wichtigen Teil dazu bei Alternativen aufzuzeigen und eure Mitmenschen zum Umdenken anzuregen. Das bewundere ich wirklich sehr und wünsche euch weiterhin nur das Beste, Gesundheit, Freude und natürlich viel Erfolg bei der Crowdfunding-Campagne. Es wäre wirklich großartig, wenn ihr eure Ideen realisieren könnt, wie ihr es euch vorstellen. Ich sehe mir gerne die Bilder an die ihr macht und freue mich immer auf diesem Wege einen kleinen Einblick in eure Welt zu bekommen. Bis bald und ganz liebe Grüße an euch alle!
£ 34
£ 42

Andreas Pichler

£ 84
£ 17
Support message:
He estado en Chiapas en 2 ocasiones y es una zona y unas gentes que se merecen toda la ayuda que se les pueda proporcionar. Ojalá vuestro proyecto tenga éxito.

Jerome bichsel

£ 841


£ 126
£ 42
£ 42
£ 8

Daniel Winnen

£ 84