Contributing £ 4
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 13 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
My Way Out (Ni Naiz Naizena)
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits
Nuestra última comunicación fue el año pasado y desde entonces hemos seguido con nuestro proyecto, después de un descanso. Con esta publicación, nos gustaría informarte sobre nuestras últimas novedades. Como dijimos en nuestra última publicación, dividimos el documental inicial en 2 proyectos diferentes:
En cuanto a la webserie, recibimos algunas pequeñas subvenciones para producir el capítulo piloto del proyecto por parte de 2deo, de la Diputación de Gipuzkoa y de la Fábrica Creativa del Gobierno Vasco. Con estas ayudas, hemos comenzado a editar el piloto (1er capítulo) que terminaremos en las próximas semanas. Y, por supuesto, ¡seréis las primeras personas en ver el capítulo! Está saliendo un capítulo maravilloso, con Aitzole Araneta como protagonista y que contará con las increíbles fotografías del talentoso artista Eduardo Gaviña (Yogurinha Borova).
Lo más importante que ha sucedido con este proyecto es que la asociación GEHITU y Mugen Gainetik se han unido como colaboradores, lo que nos permitirá hacer 10 capítulos de 10 minutos. Los 10 episodios completos se podrán ver a principios de 2021, en un sitio web que se creará con ese objetivo.
También tenemos el documental MY WAY OUT. Completamos todas las grabaciones en 2018 y 2019 y comenzaremos el trabajo de montaje en las próximas semanas. Tenemos nuevos coproductores, Alternative Content, que serán responsables de la postproducción de música y sonido. Es una empresa de sonido con mucha experiencia y estamos muy contentas de colaborar con ellos. El proyecto de documental fue presentado en Work in Progress de festival Zinegoak la semana pasada, y fue muy bien recibido.
Como puedes ver, hemos trabajado mucho y estamos en la recta final. Te volveremos a escribir pronto, pero mientras tanto te mandamos algunas fotos de los dos proyectos.
¡Hasta pronto y MUCHAS GRACIAS!
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Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 13 Co-financiers
T Girl
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 16 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt
> 06 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)
> 20 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR
> 08 Co-financiers
Way Out
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits
> 06 Co-financiers
Communication management for the campaign and the documentary internationally.
Wardrobe hire/loan/design for Yogurinha Borova.