Contributing $ 1,528
Paper version of the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació comunitária"
Paper version of the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació comunitária", which collects articles, poems, reports and photographic content of the Venus building history and documents the entire process of this crowdfunding campaign.
The book features collaborations from journalists, writers and people and entities relevantto social activism, such as Montse Santolino, David Fernández, Andreu Merino, Jordi Ribalaygue, Isma Monfort, Claudia Frontino, José Sánchez, Jordi Borrs , Carol Rodriguez, Paula Ericson, El Crític and, among others.
Most of these articles are written in Catalan, except of some published in Spanish.
"Objective Venus, a community agitation project" is edited by Pollen editions. (
This book is still in process and open to possible collaborations. If you wish to participate in it, please contact us!