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Objetivo Venus

Finished 24 / 01 / 2020
£ 14,980
£ 10,724
£ 14,912
363 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4


    Thank you so much!
    We appreciate your solidarity contribution to Objectiu Venus.
    Your name will appear, if you wish, on our website, in the section where people made possible the neighborhood struggle to continue against the administration, in the name of those affected people by the Venus building.

    In addition, by collaborating with this crowdfunding campaign, you will have tax advantages.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Digital version of the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació comunitária"

    Digital version of the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació comunitária", which collects articles, poems, reports and photographic content of the history of the Venus building and documents the entire process of this crowdfunding campaign.

    The book features collaborations from journalists, writers and people and entities relevant to social activism, such as Montse Santolino, David Fernández, Andreu Merino, Jordi Ribalaygue, Isma Monfort, Claudia Frontino, José Sánchez, Jordi Borrs, Carol Rodriguez, Paula Ericson, El Crític and desdelamina.net, among others.
    Most of these articles are written in Catalan, with the exception of some published in Spanish.

    " Objectiu Venus, un projecte d'agitació comunitària" is edited by Pol·len Edicions. (https://pol-len.cat/)

    This book is still in process and open to possible collaborations. If you wish to participate in it, please contact us!

    > 67 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Corporate T-shirt from the Objectiu Venus Project

    Get a corporate T-shirt from the Objectiu Venus Project. The T-shirts are black T-shirts, with two-touch screen printing of the Objectiu Venus logo.
    You can choose between M, L and XL sizes. The sizes can be confirmed by email.

    These shirts have been made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Fundació Pare Manel.

    > 75 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Revealed postcards images portraying the Venus building

    Get one of the five revealed postcards images portraying the Venus building. These photographs are the collaboration with the project of five photojournalists: Isma Monfort, Jordi Borres, Claudia Frontino, Carol Rodríguez and José Sánchez.
    Postcards’ size is 30x40 centimeters.
    You can confirm the image you want to receive by email.

    > 35 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Postcards images + digital version of the book + corporate T-shirt

    Get the photo postcard of the Venus building that you choose, plus the digital version of the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació communicia" and a corporate T-shirt in black color with the Objectiu Venus logo!

    > 54 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    Five revealed postal images portraying the Venus building

    Five revealed postal images portraying the Venus building will be yours. These photographs are the work of five photojournalists collaborating with the project: Isma Monfort, Jordi Borres, Claudia Frontino, Carol Rodríguez and José Sánchez.
    Postcards’ size is 30x40 centimeters.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 59

    Paper version of the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació comunitária"

    Paper version of the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació comunitária", which collects articles, poems, reports and photographic content of the Venus building history and documents the entire process of this crowdfunding campaign.

    The book features collaborations from journalists, writers and people and entities relevantto social activism, such as Montse Santolino, David Fernández, Andreu Merino, Jordi Ribalaygue, Isma Monfort, Claudia Frontino, José Sánchez, Jordi Borrs , Carol Rodriguez, Paula Ericson, El Crític and desdelamina.net, among others.

    Most of these articles are written in Catalan, except of some published in Spanish.

    "Objective Venus, a community agitation project" is edited by Pollen editions. (https://pol-len.cat/)

    This book is still in process and open to possible collaborations. If you wish to participate in it, please contact us!

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    Paper version of the book + Digital version of the book + Five revealed postal images + corporate T-shirt

    Get the book "Objectiu Venus, a projecte d'agitació comunitària" in digital and paper support, plus 5 images revealed in postcard size and a corporate T-shirt in black color with the Objectiu Venus logo!

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Taller de escritura de no ficción y taller de sketching

    Participa de un taller de escritura de no ficción con el escritor Jorge Carrión, [https://jorgecarrion.me/] autor del ensayo Librerías y las novelas Los muertos, Los huérfanos y Los turistas, y de un taller de sketching con el dibujante y director de arte Sagar Fornies, [http://sagarfornies.blogspot.com/] creador de Bajo la Piel, Dimas o El mundo perdido.

    Ambos artistas son autores de "Barcelona. Los vagabundos de la chatarra": https://www.normaeditorial.com/ficha/012034515/barcelona-los-vagabundos-de-la-chatarra

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 126

    Cartografia Sensible "Objectiu Venus, un projecte d'agitació comunitària"

    Be part of a close group walking throughout La Mina neighborhood, accompanied by an in-depth explanation of the history of the Venus building and led by experts on the subject. You will be able to know this firsthand reality and visit the most significant points that allow you to understand better the context.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Aturem la gestió i recollida de recompenses [CAT - CAST]

15 | 03 | 2020
Aturem la gestió i recollida de recompenses [CAT - CAST]

Davant les mesures de contenció que s'estan plantejant davant el COVID19, volem anunciar que aturem la gestió de les recompenses i la seva recollida fins a nou avis.

Hem replantejat els nostres funcionament intern i assumim les mesures pressses per les entitats i col·lectius colaboradors del projecte.

També seguim amb les nostres vies de comunicació obertes i fem nostres les paraules de Goteo: " Davant qualsevol necesitat o inquietud sorgida d'aquesta situació tan delicada, estem juntes i donarem tot el nostre recoçament".

Tot comença i res no acaba a Venus!


Ante las medidas de contención que se están planteando ante el COVID19, queremos anunciar que detenemos la gestión de las recompensas y su recogida hasta nuevo aviso.

Hemos replanteado nuestros funcionamientos internos y asumimos las medidas tomadas por las entidades y colectivos colaboradores del proyecto.

También seguimos con nuestras vías de comunicación abiertas y hacemos nuestras las palabras de Goteo: "Ante cualquier necesidad o inquietud surgida de esta situación tan delicada, estamos juntas y daremos todo nuestro apoyo".

Todo empieza y nada acaba a Venus!



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