Contributing $ 109
Contribution icon
Icon showing your contribution to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks, with a link to the project page.
> 03 Co-financiers
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Our Shared Scenario (nuestro escenario compartido)
Icon showing your contribution to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks, with a link to the project page.
Animated GIF referential to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks that allow animated GIFS. Is accompanied by the precedent reward.
Virtual image for downloading that will be one of the images created by the kids in the pilot project, with an special knowledge for the collaboration. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
Set of images with graphical content derived of the results of the pilot experience, to be used as screen-savers. Are accompanied by the precedent rewards.
Video edited with documentary footage of the pilot experience with a personalized dedicatory and an inclusion in the credits as a contributor. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
Spreading a directory of school centers or associations interested on collaborating, helping in keeping contact between potential partners. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
This directory will be regularly updated during the following year after the final of the campaign. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
Preferential attention for establish contacts, monitoring and developing of an experience with another group. Inclussion of the logo of the association in the webpage of the project. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
Is included the option that one of the members of the team of OSS could provide the execution of the workshop in the place where it will be done (travel and maintenance not included), participating on the training of the managers of future replications. If this option could not be possible, for the impossibility of paying the travel or maintenace, the attention would consist on the developing of the workshop dynamics along the duration of the first one imparted by the collaborator association or entity. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
Hi, everyone,
we have not said anything in a month, but that doesn't mean that we have been standing and doing nothing.
Quite the reverse, we have been moving things for taking the project into a more stable level and, on the way, we have found new supports.
On the one hand, we can say that the BCNLab have took interest on Our Shared Scenario, and in a while we are going to be one of the projects under their care, and that's not nothing.
You can check their website clicking on the logo. Look what amazing projects they have there.
Just after the summer we start our residency on MediaEstruch, and we will testing the platform there as its construction goes, with their support and infrastructure.
But not all steps that have been done are paperworks. We have been working on giving shape to the futere pilot experience between Barcelona and Medellín, and there in Colombia, we have found a new alliated: The house of culture Los Alcázares. There will take place the pilot experience and with the coordinator of the place, Javier Burgos, we are working yet in an action programme; talking a lot about it and shaping ideas. We are working for the project to become something bigger.
We want to remind you that today is 1st of august, and in six days the second round will finish.
The truth is that we are not getting many supports by that side and we haven't get closer many more than we was at the end of the first round.
I'd like to reiterate our big gratitude to those that have supported us. Thanks to their help, we are here, near to begin to build the software and looking the pilot experience approaching, as something nearer and nearer. After it we will offer our knowledge in the shape of free software and documentation for those who will want it, could replicate the experience.
This way, step by step, we go creating community.
Thanks to everyone
Contribution icon
Icon showing your contribution to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks, with a link to the project page.
> 03 Co-financiers
Animated Gif
Animated GIF referential to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks that allow animated GIFS. Is accompanied by the precedent reward.
> 04 Co-financiers
Image from the project with special knowledge
Virtual image for downloading that will be one of the images created by the kids in the pilot project, with an special knowledge for the collaboration. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
> 27 Co-financiers
Set of screen-savers
Set of images with graphical content derived of the results of the pilot experience, to be used as screen-savers. Are accompanied by the precedent rewards.
> 20 Co-financiers
Video of the pilot experience with an inclusion in the credits
Video edited with documentary footage of the pilot experience with a personalized dedicatory and an inclusion in the credits as a contributor. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
> 06 Co-financiers
Directory of school centers and associations interested in the project as participants.
Spreading a directory of school centers or associations interested on collaborating, helping in keeping contact between potential partners. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
> 01 Co-financiers
Updated Directory of school centers and associations interested in the project as participants.
This directory will be regularly updated during the following year after the final of the campaign. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
> 01 Co-financiers
Preferential attention + acknowledge of the support in the web page of the project.
Preferential attention for establish contacts, monitoring and developing of an experience with another group. Inclussion of the logo of the association in the webpage of the project. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
> 00 Co-financiers
Preferential attention / Possibility of execution of the workshop by ourselves
Is included the option that one of the members of the team of OSS could provide the execution of the workshop in the place where it will be done (travel and maintenance not included), participating on the training of the managers of future replications. If this option could not be possible, for the impossibility of paying the travel or maintenace, the attention would consist on the developing of the workshop dynamics along the duration of the first one imparted by the collaborator association or entity. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.
> 01 Co-financiers
After the setting up of the platform we will put it into function, preferably with those that have helped us. We will like to work with someone train
On the both sides of the established communication (ex: Barcelona-Medellín) it will be necessary to get quality video and photographic documentation.