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First actions La Nou for a sustainable future of the rural valencian world

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Finished 23 / 03 / 2024
$ 136,885
$ 107,412
$ 251,066
38 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    Seed patron

    You are part of the La Nou family. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest news.

    If you give us permission, we will include your name and a link to your preferred social media page on the acknowledgements page of our website.

    Best regards from the team!

    With your contribution of 20 €, you can get up to 80% tax deduction on your tax return. Your real cost could be only 4 €. For more information, please visit: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 655

    Nursery patron

    Part of the La Nou family.
    Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest news.
    If you authorize us, we will include your name and link to your preferred social network on the thank-you page of our website.
    A hug from the team!
    Treat yourself to a Meeting with the Landscape for one person or treat yourself to the Ruralia 25th Anniversary Magazine.
    With this contribution of €30, you can deduct up to 80% on your Income Tax Return. Your real expense could be as low as €6. More information at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal


    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    Sows seeds patron

    It's part of the La Nou family.
    Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news.
    With your permission, we will put your name and link to your preferred social media on the thank you page of our website.
    Warm regards from the team!
    Treat yourself to a Country Landscape Encounter for two people or treat yourself to Ruralia Magazine's 25th anniversary edition and a bundle of 4 magazines from the first edition.

    With this contribution of €50, you can claim up to 80% on your tax return.
    Your actual expense could be as low as €10. More information at https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,419

    Flower patron

    It is part of the La Nou family.
    Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about the latest news.
    If you authorize us, we will add your name and link to your preferred social network on the thank you page of our website.
    Warm regards from the team!
    Give yourself the gift of an Encounter with the Landscape for three people.

    With this contribution of 65 €, you can deduct up to 80% on your tax return. Your actual expense could be reduced to 13 €. More information at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,747

    Mecenas fruit

    You are part of the La Nou family.
    Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest news.
    If you authorize us, we will put your name and link to your preferred social network on the thank you page of our website.
    A hug from the team!
    Treat yourself to a Landscape Encounter for four people.

    With this contribution of €80, you can deduct up to 80% on your tax return. Your actual cost can be as low as €16. More information at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,275

    Partnet 2024 La Nou

    It's part of the La Nou family. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news. If you authorize us, we will include your name and link to your preferred social network on the thank you page of our website. A hug from the team!

    Treat yourself to three Landscape Encounters for two people.

    Treat yourself to Ruralia Magazine's 25th anniversary edition and a bundle of 4 magazines from the first era.

    With this contribution of €150, you can deduct up to 80% on your tax return. Your actual expense can be reduced to €30. More information at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    Partner 2024 La Nou - Sponsor

    It's part of the La Nou family.
    Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest developments. If you allow us, we will put your name and link to your preferred social network on the thank you page of our website.
    A hug from the team!
    Give yourself three Country Landscape Encounters for two people.
    Give yourself Ruralia Magazine's 25th anniversary edition and a set of 4 magazines from the early years.
    Co-sponsor an Accésit in the Sembrar Future Awards and present the award.

    With this contribution of €200, you can deduct up to 80% on your tax return. Your actual expense can be as low as €40.

    Your participation AS A COMPANY can be deductible up to 40%! More information at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,458

    Partner 2024 La Nou - Special Sponsor

    It is part of the La Nou family.
    Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest news.
    If you authorize us, we will put your name and link to your preferred social network on the thank you page of our website.
    A hug from the team!
    Give yourself three Encounters with the Countryside for two people.
    Give yourself the Ruralia 25th anniversary magazine and a set of 4 magazines from the first period.
    Sponsor of a Sembrar Futuro award and award presentation.

    With this contribution of € 250, you can deduct up to 80% on your Income Tax Return. Your real expense can be reduced to € 50.

    Your participation AS A COMPANY can be deducted up to 40%! More information at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    Partner 2024 La Nou - Premium Sponsor

    It is part of the La Nou family.
    Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news.
    If you authorize us, we will include your name and link to your preferred social media on the thank you page of our website.
    Hugs from the team!
    Give yourself three Encounters with the Countryside for two people.
    Gift yourself the Ruralia 25th Anniversary Magazine and a set of 4 magazines from the early years.
    Sponsor a Second Seed Future Award and present the Award.

    With this contribution of €500, you can deduct up to 80% on your tax return. Your actual expense may be as low as €200. Your participation AS A COMPANY can be deducted up to 40%!

    More information at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    Partner 2024 La Nou - Super Sponsor

    It is part of the La Nou family.
    Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about the latest news.
    If you authorize us, we will include your name and a link to your preferred social network on the thank you page of our website.
    A hug from the team!
    Gift yourself three Encounters with the Coun-try-side for two people.
    Gift yourself Ruralia Magazine's 25th Anniversary and a set of 4 magazines from the early years.
    Sponsor a Seed the Future First Prize and present the award.

    With this contribution of €1,000, you can deduct up to 80% on your Income Tax return. Your actual expense can end up being €500.

    Your COMPANY's participation can be tax-deductible by up to 40%!

    More information at https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal.

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Fundación Comunitària La Nou

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Technical assistance for the design and the organisation of actions (Phase 1)
● Diagnosis and prior coordination● Design and development of actions ● Design and development of the campaign and communication plan ● Coordination with all participating entities
$ 54,580
Awards (Phase 1)
Co-funding for Sembrar Futuro Awards (Phase 1)
$ 21,832
Technical assistance for the design and organisation of actions (Phase 2)
● Coordination with all participating entities ● Implementation of actions ● Preparation and dissemination of the final report
$ 65,495
Awards (Phase 2)
"Co-financing for Sembrar Futuro awards (Phase 2)"
$ 21,832
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Rewards (Phase 1)
Costs derived from the distribution of rewards, Ruralia magazines (Phase 1)
$ 6,550
Rewards (Phase 1)
Costs derived from the organization of the Landscape Meetings (Phase 1)
$ 10,916
Rewards (Phase 2)
Expenses derived from rewards distribution, Ruralia magazines (Phase 2)
$ 6,550
Rewards (Phase 2)
Expenses derived from the organization of Landscape Encounters (Phase 2).
$ 10,916
Expenses awards Sembrar Futuro (Phase 2)
Organization of the Sembrar Futuro Awards Ceremony (Phase 2)
$ 21,832
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Crowdfunding expenses (Phase 1)
Drip management expenses and financial expenses for payments (Phase 1)
$ 9,169
Web and communication services (Phase 1)
Web hosting, mailing services, and social media promotion (Phase 1)
$ 4,366
Crowdfunding expenses (Phase 1)
Drip management expenses and financial expenses for payments (Phase 2)
$ 12,662
Web and communication services (Phase 2)
Web hosting, email services, and social media promotion (Phase 2)
$ 4,366
Total $ 107,412 $ 251,066

General information

The Community Foundation The Nou undertakes its first activities that answer to varied of his aims, framed in two horizons:



And they are comprised in the following fields, that are essencial for The Nou:

  1. The education like way of social transformation, “PLANT FUTUR”.

  2. A culture of roots and at the same time creative and innovative, tied to the environment, “ENCOUNTERS WITH THE COUNTRYSIDE”.

  3. Share thought, build messages, “RURALIA. Magazine of the rural valencian world”.

To carry out these and other activities, The Nou is based especially in the voluntary work of the members of his patronage, patronage of honour, the community council and other collaborators.

It also has the economic collaboration of the Spanish Association of Foundations, the Program of University Extension of Jaume I University of Castelló and the Caixa Popular.

For what do we need your help? To cover the basic costs of technical management and organisation that volunteering can't make, that is detailed in the section List of needs.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The first actions to be taken are:

  1. Plant Future.
    The first Seed the Future awards will be directed towards rural primary, secondary, vocational and high school students, teachers and educational communities. These awards aim to promote reflection on rural life models, their problems, alternatives, and future. They also encourage students to consider the opportunity to develop their life and professional trajectories in the territory where they were born and to be aware of that possibility. We already have the support of Caixa Popular for the co-financing part of the awards.

  2. Encounters with the Countryside.
    "We only want what we know, we only care for what we want to protect."
    Get to know our rural landscapes from a geographical, cultural and also spiritual point of view. Promote their conservation through reflection and the exchange of ideas about the accelerated changes caused by major impacts such as solar farms and their power lines. For this purpose, we will have experienced hikers, geographers, and landscape interpretation guides for the groups participating in this activity. We aim for an exchange of knowledge, proposals, and motivations between people from different towns and regions. There will be three itineraries/encounters in spring and another three in autumn during this period.

  3. Ruralia: magazine of the rural valencian world.
    This year marks the 25th anniversary of the publication of this journal. With this monographic issue, we aim to assess the changes that have occurred in rural areas over the past 25 years and the prospects for the future. To achieve this, we aim for the texts to have good literary quality, prioritize unexpected approaches and turn traditional perspectives upside down through surprise, irony, and other resources to clearly present the contradictions, demands, complaints, proposals, proclamations, and bets that Ruralia presents for the Valencian rural world. The University Extension Program of the University Jaume I collaborates with La Nou in editing and publishing this journal.

What are our objectives with these actions?

  • Encourage the participation of children and young people in rural communities' future.
  • Promote the conservation of natural environments through knowledge and enjoyment, creating emotional connections with landscapes, the best way to care for and protect them.
  • Generate processes of listening, dialogue, and proposals for the current moment and future of the rural environment.
  • Analyze, together with scholars in the fields of ethnology, agroecology, or culture, the value of traditional rural societies' knowledge for adapting to the consequences of climate change.
  • Increase awareness of the foundation's objectives in the rural community: administrations, associative entities, social agents, and the general population.

Why this is important

With the action Plant Future we want to get:

  • Direct Impact: More than 200 girls, boys, young, his families and 20 teachers who are sensitized about the values and models that do that the villages provide them quality of life, social cohesion and resilience.

  • Indirect impact: Sensitization of the educational communities of the rural valencian world to the aim of the action through its diffusion and also the diffusion of the results obtained through of our web and nets.

With the action Encounters with the Countryside we want to get:

  • Direct Impact: The exchange of knowledges, proposals and motivations among 150 people, 50 by itinerary or meeting.

  • Indirect impact: Sensitization of the valencian society about the value the protection of the rural material and immaterial heritage through the diffusion of the activities and its results: conclusions, videos, photos… in our web and social nets.

With the action Ruralia: magazine of the rural valencian world we want to get:

  • Direct Impact: Analysis of the rural valencian world by 60 expert people and critical thoughts about it by the 1.000 people that will receive the magazine in paper.

  • Indirect impact: Knowledge done by the civil society about the situation and future of the rural valencian world through the ON-LINE publication of open access of our magazine in our web.

Team and experience

The Fundació Comunitària La Nou is an initiative promoted by Mas de Noguera. It is a cooperative that was founded forty-two years ago, located between the Alto Palancia and Alto Mijares regions. Throughout these years, its main activities have been environmental education, agriculture, rural development, and rural tourism. Since its beginnings, it has promoted and/or participated in social initiatives and organizations such as the Rural Alternative Movement, the Coordinator of Organic Agriculture, the Pedagogical Renewal Movement, the Rural Platform and the Valencian Society of Environmental Education. It has also promoted cooperation projects such as the European Rural Information Center Association, Savia Rural: Population Settlement, Agrocultur, Seminar on Organic Agriculture, and Ruralia: Magazine of Valencia's Rural World.

As a community foundation, in order to encourage participation in its organization, in addition to the board of trustees and an honorary board of trustees, its statutes include a Community Council. It is made up of people from different rural regions, members of associations linked to the rural environment, or people with knowledge about La Nou's purposes. Its function is to collaborate and advise on various activities, as well as propose and participate in the development of the foundation's action plan.

The team behind the activities for which funding is being requested is led by the following individuals:

Marcelino Herrero Salvador: Former coordinator of Mas de Noguera for over 20 years, President of the European Rural Information Center Association and coordinator of various rural and environmental cooperation projects. He is currently the President of La Nou.

Carles Rodrigo Alonso: Geographer, member of various rural organizations, highly knowledgeable about the Valencian rural environment. He has published several books on towns in the Serrania and other regions, as well as on ethnology. He is currently the Vice President of the Fundació La Nou.

Javier Ferrer Riquelme: Social worker and university professor in projects, communication, and social research. Researcher in migration and local development. He has participated in several international cooperation projects in Latin America and Africa. He is currently the Secretary of La Nou.

Eva González Vargas: Intercultural mediator and workshop teacher in rural inland regions, volunteer teacher in restorative justice and community engagement. She is currently a technician at La Nou.

Each of the described actions, for which help is being requested, has a working team composed of members of the Honorary Board of Trustees and Community Council, coordinated by one of them. It should be noted that professionals from different fields are involved, providing a global perspective: teaching, agriculture, sociology, geography, biology, social workers, and culture.

To these groups, volunteers collaborate on some of the necessary tasks for their operation. All the people mentioned, from members of the board to volunteers, offer their time and knowledge voluntarily and selflessly.

The diverse backgrounds of the people involved in the actions facilitates their promotion in their rural communities of residence/work/investigation to encourage participation throughout the rural territory of the Valencian Community. Additionally, we will visit rural social agents and convene and/or participate with people, initiatives, and entities from rural regions in inter-regional meetings.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.