¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Radio Zapata, tejiendo comunidad desde el corazón de la montaña.

Finished 30 / 06 / 2016
£ 5,114
£ 5,027
£ 11,729
59 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    A postcard with images of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.

    We will send a JPEG digital file with high resolution images of the daily life of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero, where Radio Zapata is broadcasted. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Two postcards with pictures of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.

    We will send two digital high-resolution JPEG files with images of daily life of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero, where Radio Zapata is broadcasted. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    A map of social and environmental problems of the state of Guerrero.

    We'll send you a map with a high resolution JPEG file that lets you view the serious problems affecting the State of Guerrero. This includes conservation areas controlled by the State and socio-environmentally destructive megaprojects such as hydroelectric dams and mining areas. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    A map of social and environmental problems of the state of Guerrero and a postcard with images of communities Na savi and Me'phaa

    We'll send you a map with a high resolution JPEG file that lets you view the serious problems affecting the State of Guerrero. This includes conservation areas controlled by the State and socio-environmentally destructive megaprojects such as hydroelectric dams and mining areas. You will also receive a postcard with images of the communities and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    : A map and three postcards with pictures of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.

    We will send digital file in the Guerrero state map plus three cards with photographs and messages from the communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    : Audio Campaign "Moving Mountains and endurance for life, roots of hope", plus all of the above.

    We will send you a digital audio file of the campaign: "Moving Mountains and endurance for life, roots of hope." This contains 11 radio bulletins made in a collective process of learning and sharing knowledge between Radio Zapata and other community radios in the state of Guerrero. We will also send you the map of Guerrero; your three postcards with images of Na'savi and Me'phaa communities, and your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Pancho Villa Package

    This package includes the CD of the "Mountains in resistance movement and life, roots of hope" plus five printed postcards of Na'savi and Me'phaa communities. In addition we will send the digital map of Guerrero and your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 168

    Package Ricardo Flores Magon

    This package includes a packet with information and photographs of Indigenous Na'Savi and Me'phaa communities and the history of Radio Zapata, three stickers and three postcards with images of the communities and the radio station, and a CD of the "Moving Mountains and resistance life, roots of hope. " In addition, we will send you a digital file with the map of Guerrero, and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 251

    General Emiliano Zapata Package

    This package includes a T-shirt with images of the social struggle of Guerrero, a packet with information and photographs, five stickers, and five postcards with images of the communities and a CD of the radio campaign. In addition, we will send you a digital file with the map of Guerrero and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 419

    Invitation to personally visit Radio Zapata (2 people); plus General Emiliano Zapata package

    We invite you and one more person to visit Radio Zapata. They may participate in the daily activities of Radio Zapata and live with the people that give life to this community space. The invitation includes lodging and meals for five days in the community of Buena Vista, in the municipality of San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero and round-trip travel from Mexico City to the communities. You need to bring a sleeping bag and hiking shoes. For a harmonious journey, it is crucial that you stick to the established rules of community life. Each will receive the General Emiliano Zapata package and we will also send them a digital map of Guerrero. Their names or organization will appear on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 838


    We invite you and four others to visit Radio Zapata. They may participate in the daily activities of Radio Zapata and live with the people that give life to this community space. The invitation includes lodging and meals for five days in the community of Buena Vista, in the municipality of San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero and round-trip travel from Mexico City to the communities. You need to bring a sleeping bag and hiking shoes. For a harmonious journey, it is crucial that you stick to the established rules of community life. Each will receive the General Emiliano Zapata package and we will also send them a digital map of Guerrero. Their names or organization will appear on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.

    > 00 Co-financiers

¡Radio Zapata volverá al aire!

22 | 05 | 2016
¡Radio Zapata volverá al aire!

Querida comunidad de Goteo,

Estamos muy alegres de poder anunciarles que Radio Zapata volverá al aire muy pronto. No nos cansamos de agradecerles el haber confiado en este proyecto y apoyar a la radio con lo que cada quien tuvo oportunidad. Les comentamos también que próximamente iniciaremos el proceso de elaboración del documental “Radio Zapata, tejiendo comunidad desde el corazón de la montaña” creative commons para su libre acceso y difusión.

Queremos contarles que esto no termina aquí. Gracias a su apoyo hemos conseguido continuar la campaña por 40 días más. Este nuevo periodo es muy importante para consolidar el segundo eslabón del proyecto regional, que para las comunidades es la comunicación comunitaria. Para ello resulta necesario equipar elEspacio Comunitario de Investigación y Producción Radiofónica, toda vez que es fundamental afianzar a Radio Zapata en los siguientes aspectos;

1.- Que el proceso para la realización de producciones radiofónicas, cuente con herramientas que permitan realizar investigaciones documentadas.

2.- Capacitación constante de las y los promotores comunitarios de comunicación.

3.- Que las producciones de Radio Zapata puedan extenderse a geografías nacionales e internacionales.

En este sentido con lo recaudado en la Segunda Ronda se instalará equipo de cómputo, se contratará internet satelital por un año, y se realizará una primera etapa de capacitación a las y los nuevos promotores comunitarios de comunicación.

Es importante recordar que en el estado de Guerrero se ciernen intereses políticos y económicos vinculados con megaproyectos mineros, energéticos e hídricos, financiados por capitales nacionales y extranjeros. Al mismo tiempo, la violencia, la marginación y los procesos de despojo continúan, empañados por una gran neblina de desinformación general. Por ello, impulsar las investigaciones documentadas en Radio Zapata, es muy importante.

Uno de los objetivos del Espacio Comunitario de Investigación, es transformar las aportaciones que se obtengan, en la posibilidad de escuchar las investigaciones y reflexiones que se generen en torno a estas problemáticas, más allá del alcance que puede tener la frecuencia modulada. Lo anterior se logrará a través de la transmisión de radio por streaming, a la cual se tendrá acceso libre a través de la página web del CIPOG-EZ.

Nuevamente lxs invitamos a caminar éste sendero juntxs. Un gran apoyo seria la compartición de la página https://www.goteo.org/project/radio-zapata por correo y en sus redes sociales. O realizar alguna colecta entre familiares y amigos o con gente de sus barrios. Cada aportación por pequeña que sea será muy valiosa para la consolidación de este proyecto comunitario.

Quedamos atentxs a cualquier duda o comentario que tengan.

Reciban un fuerte y fraternal abrazo desde tierras mexicanas.



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