¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


Finished 24 / 09 / 2019
$ 2,299,369
$ 1,091,590
$ 5,457,950
1517 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218


    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 2.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 106 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546


    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
      All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 6.25, the State assumes the remaining
    > 388 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    🌱 Sponsor 1 hectare

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 1 hectare of affected land

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 12.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 389 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,637

    🌱 Sponsor 1 hectare + 💦"Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 1 hectare of affected land
    • 1/2L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 18.75, the State assumes the remaining

    > 93 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,637

    Recompensa especial: 1 TICKET Taller de jotes ebrenques

    [Aquesta recompensa és limitada, només hi ha 40 unitats disponibles]
    Què conté?

    • Participació en un taller de Jota Ebrenca cantada i improvisada de la mà de Gemma "Fardatxa" i Laia Pedrol, de 2.5h el proper 28 de setembre a Flix
    • El teu nom en una placa metàl·lica
    • El teu nom a la web de Rebrotem
    • 1 Samarreta Rebrotem
    • Apadrinament 1 hectàrea de territori afectat

    Totes les recompenses tenen desgravació a la propera declaració de la renta si la fas.
    Aquesta recompensa et costarà 18.75€, la restà ho assumeix l'Estat.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    🌱 Sponsor 2 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 2 hectares of affected land
    • 1/2L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it. This reward will cost you € 25, the State assumes the remaining

    > 236 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,458

    🌱 Sponsor 5 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 3 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 5 hectares of affected land
    • 1,5L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 107,5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    🌱 Sponsor 10 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 10 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 10 hectares of affected land
    • 5L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 282, the State assumes the remaining

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    🌱 Sponsor 20 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 10 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 20 hectares of affected land
    • 10L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 632.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43,664

    🌱 Sponsor 40 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 20 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 40 hectares of affected land
    • 20L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 1332.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109,159

    🌱 Sponsor 100 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 40 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 100 hectares of affected land
    • 40L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 3432.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Let's revive the Ribera d'Ebre and the areas affected by one of the largest fires in recent decades

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Emergency fund for farmers and livestock farmers (Minimum objective)
With this fund we will cover all the urgent needs of those people who live of the land and who need a thrust to rebuild their life and their work. The aid will be allocated with the collaboration of the City councils of the area. These figures are approximate and there may be changes depending on the real needs.
$ 795,769
Reforestation Fund (Minimum objective)
We are concerned about how the reforestation of the affected areas will be carried out. This fund will be destined for projects that work in a meditated and thoughtful reforestation. Promoting activities that make us rethink a new landscape model and the work of experts to avoid repeating the history.
$ 44,209
Outreach, culture and management fund (Minimum objective)
This fund will be used to promote actions and activities related to sustainable models of rural life, territorial balance, landscape management and the dissemination of the project (organization of solidarity festivals, creation of taxes of the Association, servers, domain, etc).
$ 44,209
Emergency fund for farmers and livestock farmers (Optimum objective)
With this fund we will cover all the urgent needs of those people who live of the land and who need a thrust to rebuild their life and their work. The aid will be allocated with the collaboration of the City councils of the area. These figures are approximate and there may be changes depending on the real needs.
$ 3,227,068
Reforestation Fund (Optimum objective)
We are concerned about how the reforestation of the affected areas will be carried out. This fund will be destined for projects that work in a meditated and thoughtful reforestation. Promoting activities that make us rethink a new landscape model and the work of experts to avoid repeating the history.
$ 379,655
Outreach, culture and management fund (Optimum objective)
This fund will be used to promote actions and activities related to sustainable models of rural life, territorial balance, landscape management and the dissemination of the project (organization of solidarity festivals, creation of taxes of the Association, servers, domain, etc).
$ 189,828
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Commissions (Minimum objective)
All crowdfunding needs a web platform (software, workers, communication, etc.) with some costs, in this case a 5% commission to the Goteo Foundation + 0.8% of bank commission (in this case ethical banking, with Colonya Caixa Pollença).
$ 65,495
Commissions (Optimum objective)
All crowdfunding needs a web platform (software, workers, communication, etc.) with some costs, in this case a 5% commission to the Goteo Foundation + 0.8% of bank commission (in this case ethical banking, with Colonya Caixa Pollença).
$ 261,982
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Rewards Costs (Minimum objective)
This part of the budget contemplates the costs of rewards. We start from an assumption of 6500 euros for 1000 t-shirts and 800 bottles of oil. Eventually, if the cost of these products was lower, the money would go to the general fund.
$ 141,907
Rewards Costs (Optimum objective)
This part of the budget contemplates the costs of rewards. We start from an assumption of 14100 euros for 2300 t-shirts and 1800 bottles of olive oil. Eventually, if the cost of these products was lower, the money would go to the general fund.
$ 307,828
Total $ 1,091,590 $ 5,457,950

General information

And after a forest fire, what?

On June 26, 2019, the counties of Ribera d'Ebre, Garrigues and Segrià suffered one of the most important forest fires in recent decades.

5,000 hectares of crops and forest were affected by fire and, due to this, we lost the natural landscape, soil, biodiversity, olive groves, vineyards and almond trees as well as projects and dreams of farmers and ranchers that depend on the field for their subsistence.That's why by assessing the * dramatic situation in which our land is, we implement this crowdfunding campaign to be able to revert the situation immediately, efficiently and transparently.** It should be taken into account that agriculture and farming are one of the most effective tools to fight fires taking care of the territory and we can not ignore all those who put their effort to work the fields and now have to start from scratch. The future of rural life depends on it, of farmers and livestock farmers, but also of all those who live there.

The first actions that will be carried out with the fundraising will be aimed to the repair of agricultural holdings with an urgent nature working closely with public administrations. And, later, in some reforestation and information spreading initiatives, among others.

You can contribute the amount you wish, but we ask of you that, once you have made the donation, you share the campaign with friends, acquaintances, relatives and co-workers so they can also support us!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

We want to revive the Ribera d'Ebre, Garrigues and Segrià , the three counties affected by the forest fire started at the Torre de l'Espanyol. That is why we put into operation this crowdfunding campaign with which we want to activate solidarity and create a common fund to restore the rural ecosystem through different actions, beginning with those more urgent (facilitating that affected farmers and livestock farmers can reactivate their explotations by reinstalling irrigation canals) up to those most thought out as activities for the reflection and construction of the rural life and reforestation model that we want in the affected regions. The money raised will be allocated with criteria of priority and with the highest transparency through the web Rebrotem.cat and, for this, we are already working side by side with the City Councils of the affected areas. This crowdfunding will complement other aid that can be received both monetarily and in kind and seeks to help immediately.

Some of the short and medium term objectives are:

  • Replacement of irrigation hoses and pipes
  • Recovery of agricultural land and its activity as a matter of urgency
  • Reduction of the damage for active farmers and livestock farmers.
  • Activities related to the reforestation of the affected area
  • Activities related to disseminating models of rural life, sustainability, territorial management and territorial balance.

The general mission of the Rebrotem initiative is to coordinate different actions from the citizens that help restore the rural ecosystem lost in the forest fire.
Rebrotem goes far beyond a crowdfunding campaign, it is a solidarity project through cultural activities, dissemination in defense of rural life and the fight against territorial imbalance.
From Rebrotem.cat we are committed to values such as transparency and we will make public all the monetary and in-kind donations and we will continue to work to prevent something similar from happening again.



All the rewards of more than € 10 have acknowledgement with:

  • Name in the patron section of the Rebrotem.cat website
  • Name on a metal plate that we will locate in the affected fields.

[Sponsorship of hectares]

For every € 50 donated you will sponsor a hectare of affected land.Your name will appear on an online map of the land with the amount of hectares you have sponsored and you will receive, in addition, a special acknowledgement and a digital certificate of sponsorship.

[Rebrotem T-shirt]

From € 25 all the rewards have T-shirts with the "Rebrotem" design of [Daniel Rull] (http://www.pakaru.cat)

[Olive oil bottle]

From € 80 all rewards have special "Rebrotem" oil bottles made with olives from the area.

Reward shipments will be made to donors living outside of the Catalan principality (by the donor in the case of oil) or in the case of a major cause. In Catalonia, we will make available several pick-up locations once the campaign finishes.

🔔 All donations by means of this crowdfunding are tax-deductible in Spain, so for instance if you give € 100, it would only cost you € 25, as the Tax Administration will give € 75 back to you.

  • Important: This fiscal improvement does not apply outside Spain, nor in the Basque Country or Navarre, which maintain a 30% deduction and 25% respectively of the total contributed.

What do I have to do?
Nothing. The Tax Agency will automatically deduct it from your next tax return on personal income.

When will I receive the money back?
On your next 2020 income statement draft, the Tax Agency will already contemplate the donation.


Why this is important

With the intention of channeling and organizing the great wave of solidarity caused by the fire started at La Torre de l'Espanyol, we are mobilizing to get that all this help reaches those who need it most.

Given the urgent need to re-establish economic activities in the area for those who dedicate themselves to the land and who have lost everything and in the face of the need to recover the landscape that has been devastated, we propose this campaign of crowdfunding.

We want to make it possible for everyone to do their part to reverse the situation. With a simple financial contribution, either by donations without reward, by means of the button [[Co-finance the project]] (https://ca.goteo.org/invest/rebrotem) or in exchange of some reward, you can help the counties of Ribera d'Ebre, Garrigues and Segrià to overcome the tragedy, rebuild and #rebrotar with more strength.

Help us rebuild life!


Team and experience

This project emerges from the initiative **Rebrotem**, following the thrust of **Pagesos GPS**, to help in a dramatic situation as has been the fire that has affected the counties of the Ribera d'Ebre, Garrigues and Segrià. Rebrotem we are an **association of people from the territory** that has decided to activate with the aim of **promoting solidarity** in situations of forest fires as a result of the past forest fire of La Torre de l'Espanyol. Our will is **to work together to dignify and reduce damages in peasantry and farming** as well as in the **territory rethinking the landscape model, rural life, region and country**. Specific actions such as crowdfundings or solidarity concerts that economically help **forestry management and the repair of agricultural holdings**, or the dissemination and promotion of participatory events such as replanting or cleaning forests are some of the first proposals we want to carry out. The **project** has **the support of all the affected councils**, with whom we work hand in hand to achieve **maximum effectiveness** in the initiative. We are an open team, so if you wish to help, collaborate or offer anything, you can contact with us via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and email rebrotemlaribera@gmail.com.

rebrotem-1.jpg rebrotemgif.gif

Social commitment