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Mental Health: "Science and Yoga in Action"

Finished 20 / 03 / 2024
$ 15,092
$ 10,776
$ 49,980
228 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Por el placer de hacerlo

    ¿Son solo 5 Euros?

    NO, es mucho más que eso. Es un pequeño aporte, pero un gran gesto, que nos ayuda con la Validación Social de este proyecto. TODO SUMA...

    ¡Gracias por este detalle!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    "Amigos del Proyecto"

    Con esta aportación incluiremos tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”. Un agradecimiento especial que publicaremos en la Web: nexoyoga.com

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    "Seguidor del Bienestar"

    Con este aporte obtienes:

    • Nuestro agradecimiento. Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • Acceso a uno de nuestros cursos de Yoga Restaurativo de la Academia Nexoyoga. Podrás elegir el curso que quieras y disfrutar de acceso permanente y sin restricciones de tiempo. VALOR: 39 EUR

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    "Seguidor del Bienestar - Saludo la Sol

    Con este aporte obtienes:

    Nuestro agradecimiento. Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    Acceso al curso digital: "Las Claves del Saludo al Sol" Disfrútalo sin restricciones de tiempo. VALOR: 30 EUR

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 31

    "Promotor del Bienestar"

    Con este aporte obtienes:

    • Nuestro agradecimiento. Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • Acceso a uno de nuestros cursos de Yoga Terapéutico de la Academia Nexoyoga. Podrás elegir el curso que quieras y disfrutar de acceso permanente y sin restricciones de tiempo. VALOR: 59 EUR

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 53


    Si realizas tu aportación de 49 EUR en las primeras 100 horas de la campaña , te premiaremos de forma muy especial. Obtienes:

    • Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • Un curso de Yoga Terapéutico o Restaurativo de Regalo para ti… El que elijas, será tuyo para siempre: VALOR 59 EUR

    • Gift Card de Bienestar. Ideal para que puedas REGALAR el curso digital de Nexoyoga: “Iniciación al Yoga”: VALOR 67 EUR

    • 3 meses a la Membresía ORO de Nexoyoga Explora GRATIS todos nuestros cursos durante 90 días: VALOR 120 EUR

    • Ganar una de las 3 tarjetas de regalo de Amazon de 50 EUR en nuestro sorteo especial.

    IMPORTANTE: El sorteo se realizará en la web app-sorteos.com/ en el formato Sorteo por Nombres al Azar

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 53

    "Embajador del Bienestar"

    Con tu aportación de 49 EUR, obtienes:

    • Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • Un curso de Yoga Terapéutico o Restaurativo de Regalo para ti… El que elijas, será tuyo para siempre: VALOR 59 EUR

    • 3 meses a la Membresía ORO de Nexoyoga Explora GRATIS todos nuestros cursos durante 90 días: VALOR 120 EUR

    • Ganar una de las 3 tarjetas de Amazon de 50 EUR en nuestro sorteo especial.

    IMPORTANTE: El sorteo se realizará en la web app-sorteos.com/ en el formato Sorteo por Nombres al Azar

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    TALLER VIVENCIAL: "Mentalidad Resiliente"

    IMPORTANTE: Esta es una aportación exclusiva para alumnos de los Centros de Yoga que están apoyado nuestra campaña, ya que entre todas las recompensas, INCLUYE un cupo al Taller Vivencial (3 horas): "Mentalidad Resiliente" - VER MÁS

    Con esta aportación de 50 EUR, obtienes:

    • Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • Un curso de Yoga Terapéutico o Restaurativo de Regalo para ti… El que elijas, será tuyo para siempre: VALOR 59 EUR

    • 3 meses a la Membresía ORO de Nexoyoga Explora GRATIS todos nuestros cursos durante 90 días: VALOR 120 EUR

    • Un cupo al taller vivencial (3 horas) en tu Centro de Yoga.

    IMPORTANTE: Cuando hagas tu aportación, recuerda incluir el "Código de Reserva" de tu Centro de Yoga

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    > 103 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    *ESPECIAL* "Profesionales del Bienestar"

    Esta es una recompensa exclusiva para Psicólogos y Profesores de Yoga que quieran profundizar en este viaje de descubrimiento y aprendizaje.

    Con esta aportación especial, obtienes:

    • Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • 6 meses a la Membresía ORO de Nexoyoga Explora GRATIS todos nuestros cursos durante 90 días: VALOR 240 EUR

    • Ganar una de las 2 tarjetas de Amazon de 100 EUR en nuestro sorteo especial

    • 🔥¡INVALUABLE! Acceso privilegiado a un curso online con los fundamentos teóricos que respaldan el protocolo de yoga del estudio científico. Descubre y aplica el enfoque de Nexoyoga en la gestión del estrés y la ansiedad. Conviértete en protagonista.

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    IMPORTANTE: El sorteo se realizará en la web app-sorteos.com/ en el formato Sorteo por Nombres al Azar

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    EXCLUSIVO para Psicólogos

    Si como Psicólogo/a te interesa profundizar en el enfoque de este estudio, te sugerimos apoyar este proyecto con una aportación de tan solo 150 EUR. Con esta opción, obtienes:

    • Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • Acceso a los fundamentos teóricos que respaldan el protocolo de yoga del estudio científico. Descubre y aplica el enfoque de Nexoyoga en la gestión del estrés y la ansiedad. Conviértete en protagonista. (Valor 97 EUR)

    • Acceso a un grupo privado de profesionales con los que iremos compartiendo elementos fundamentales del estudio y debatiendo posibles aplicaciones y oportundiades.

    • 100 EUR de descuento para participar durante todo el 2024, en el curso presencial: "El Yoga al Servicio de la Psicología Actual" – VER MÁS

    • Ganar una de las 2 tarjetas de regalo de Amazon de 100 EUR en nuestro sorteo especial

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 205

    "Patrocinador del Estudio"

    Ya somos tu fan Nº1. Con tu notoria aportación de 189 EUR obtienes

    • Tu nombre en la lista de “Amigos del Proyecto”

    • Acceso indefinido al curso para Profesores de Yoga "Corrección Postural". VALOR: 179 EUR

    • 12 meses a la Membresía ORO de Nexoyoga Explora GRATIS todos nuestros cursos durante 90 días: VALOR 480 EUR

    • Participas en el sorteo de una tarjetas de Amazon de 250 EUR

    NOTA: Tu contribución puede desgravarse hasta un 80%. Calculalo aquí

    IMPORTANTE: El sorteo se realizará en la web app-sorteos.com/ en el formato Sorteo por Nombres al Azar

    > 09 Co-financiers

About this project

Science and Yoga: Scientific Research on the Positive Impact of Yoga on Stress and Anxiety Management Transforming Lives!

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Study Design and Preparation - Ethics Committee
Task led by the Principal Investigator (Laura Tolbaños Roche. D. in Psychology and Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), includes previous research, analysis of theories, protocol planning, meetings with public health specialists, etc., until obtaining the certificate from the Ethics Committee. The costs are intended to ensure the quality and rigor of the study, including the Principal Investigator's fees.
$ 3,682
Specialized Training: Pillars of Success for Our Yoga Teachers
This task focuses on the selection, in-person training (3 days) and continuous monitoring of the Yoga Teachers who will apply the protocol. Hours will be invested in meetings, specialized trainings and constant supervision, to ensure that they are fully prepared to start implementing the Protocol with precision. This approach guarantees a consistent and effective execution, ensuring that each session contributes significantly to the scientific study.
$ 2,816
Application of the protocol
These funds will be used to pay for Yoga teachers who will apply the protocol throughout the intervention. This investment ensures quality and consistency in the application of the protocol, guaranteeing that participants receive expert and personalized guidance to maximize the benefits of the practices.
$ 18,411
Continuous monitoring and training of teachers during the intervention (47 months)
This contribution is intended for the continuous monitoring and training of Yoga teachers during the intervention. We guarantee quality and consistency in the application of the protocol, ensuring optimal results in stress and anxiety management.
$ 2,599
Forecast of other expenses
Provision of funds for unforeseen overhead costs that will undoubtedly arise throughout the project.
$ 1,083
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Development and Specification of the Yoga Protocol - Adaptation to 4 Months
This phase focuses on the creation and detailed structuring of the study protocol, led by Maestro Jose Antonio Cao Vocero, addressing the elaboration and testing of specific sequences, indicators, monitoring elements, etc. Here, we dive into the technical aspects to ensure a solid and effective basis for the protocol to be validated.
$ 1,625
Trickling fee and platform finance charges
Platform fees and expenses to achieve the MINIMUM OBJECTIVE
$ 866
Digital application to remotely apply this protocol to equipment.
Development of a specialized application for online practices, adapted to the Project. This tool will allow real-time monitoring of the impact of the protocol in working groups, optimizing the implementation and evaluation of the study. It is a validation that we want to implement in parallel to the study.
$ 5,957
Drip commission and bank transfer
Platform fees and expenses associated with achieving the OPTIMAL OBJECTIVE
$ 3,032
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Gift Cards for Raffle among Patrons
Amazon Card Expenses (Patrons)
$ 596
Forecast Overhead - Logistics
Transportation (inter-island), meetings, unforeseen events
$ 487
Liability Insurance
We need to ensure the comprehensive protection of our study with Liability Insurance, covering our valued teachers and patients throughout the entire Study Intervention.
$ 704
Yoga Materials Expenses for Health Centers
These funds will be used to purchase 50 Yoga Packs, which include mats, blocks and belts. These materials will ensure the safety and comfort necessary to implement Yoga practices in the health centers throughout the intervention.
$ 2,708
Design and Launch of Yoga Solidario
This resource is intended for the promotion and sale of our Digital Yoga Course. All profits generated will go directly to the financing of Phases 2 and 3 of the scientific study.
$ 5,415
Total $ 10,776 $ 49,980

General information

After more than two decades dedicated to teaching yoga and guiding thousands of individuals toward better physical, mental, and emotional health, and with over 10 years of training hundreds of teachers in our unique pedagogy across various countries, we have decided to take a step further.

We will embark on an ambitious, yet essential, research study to assess and validate, using scientific methodology, the impact of a specific yoga protocol on the mental health of individuals suffering from chronic stress and anxiety.

Imagine a world where each person, armed with solid knowledge on how to harness the power of yoga to cultivate resilience, can face life's challenges with balance.

This study not only seeks to unveil the intrinsic connection between yoga and stress management but also aspires to transform our society into a more resilient and harmonious place.

With every contribution, you are laying the groundwork to revolutionize how we deal with stress and anxiety, paving the way for a stronger, more resilient, and peaceful community.

PROJECT PHASES: This ambitious scientific research project will unfold in three strategic phases:

Phase 1: Design: In this initial stage, our focus will be on creating a comprehensive and professional design for the study. This process will include the complete preparation of all elements necessary to obtain ethical committee approval. Additionally, training will be conducted for collaborators participating in the intervention.

NOTE: The minimum crowdfunding goal is aimed at financing Phase 1.

Phase 2: Intervention: Lasting for 4 months, this phase will mark the meticulous application of the designed protocol. During this period, we will test the impact of our interventions with the goal of collecting valuable data contributing to the knowledge base on mental health and stress management.

NOTE: The optimal crowdfunding goal is aimed at financing Phase 2.

Phase 3: Data Analysis and Scientific Publication: In the final phase, we will dedicate ourselves to the thorough analysis of the collected data. This process will be supported by professionals experienced in data analysis and scientific publication. We will prepare the publication of the study results, sharing significant findings that will benefit both the scientific community and the general public.

Your support is crucial to making this project a reality that will benefit many. Join us to be part of this transformation and witness the lasting impact we can achieve together!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Central Objective of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to analyze whether an adjunct intervention with a specific Therapeutic Yoga Protocol, designed by the Nexoyoga Pedagogy, improves the outcome of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in adults with anxiety disorders. This intervention will be conducted in collaboration with the Canarian Health Service.

We aim to verify if this specific yoga program reduces the self-perceived stress level and symptoms of anxiety in a group of patients with this disorder.

The effects of the yoga program on interoceptive body awareness, self-regulation, deidentification or decentering, and resilience will also be analyzed as mediating variables in the potential reduction of the self-perceived stress level and anxiety symptoms.

Finally, we will examine the effects of the yoga program on eudaimonic well-being.

Secondary Objectives of the Study

The second objective of this study is to explore the relationship between the intervention's effect on the stress level and anxiety symptoms and the potential changes in the expression of gunas.

The third objective of this work is to explore the applicability of this specific yoga program as an adjunct therapy to psychotherapeutic intervention for patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders.

Our intention is to provide scientific evidence on the effect of this specific yoga program on patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders with the aim of creating and training a network of psychologists and working interdisciplinary with Yoga teachers to incorporate this yoga program into their psychotherapeutic work.

NOTE: We invite you to learn more about the professional structure of this scientific research project on the following page: https://nexoyoga.com/salud-mental/


Why this is important

Although the results of this scientific research project will have a positive impact on society as a whole and globally, we believe it is of particular interest to the following groups due to the high value it will directly bring to them:

Mental Health Professionals: Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals will gain a new perspective on how to use Yoga as an optimal mind-body therapy to complement their therapeutic interventions, accelerating the recovery and resilience process of their patients in stress and anxiety management, enriching their professional practices.

Yoga Teachers: This study will provide yoga teaching professionals with an evidence-based approach that will allow them to design and implement specific practices to help their students in stress and anxiety self-management, thus improving the quality of their teachings and professional management. We consider the yoga teacher a key player in positively impacting the mental health of society.

🔥 IMPORTANT: If you are a Yoga Professional or a Mental Health Therapist and want to support this project, we recommend the SPECIAL Reward for Wellness Professionals, as it provides access to the theoretical foundations on which this study is based.

Companies and Human Resources: Companies interested in the well-being of their employees can benefit from the implementation of these practices to reduce the unwanted effects of work-related stress, increasing productivity, resilience, and drastically improving the organizational climate.

Researchers and Academics: The academic community can find in this study a valuable contribution to the scientific understanding of the benefits of yoga in stress and anxiety management.

Individuals experiencing Stress and Anxiety: Obviously, all those individuals experiencing significant levels of stress and anxiety, and wanting to learn self-management, can directly and indirectly benefit from this study and its subsequent applications. We firmly believe that this study will become a powerful tool in the hands of people seeking to improve their physical and mental health with simple, optimal, and safe yoga practices. They will have a tool to cultivate resilience.

General Public: The knowledge generated by this study can reach the general public, increasing awareness about treatment options for stress and anxiety and promoting a more holistic approach to mental health.

Team and experience

He is a dedicated Practitioner and Master of Yoga with over 25 years of experience. A Master of Ashtanga Vinyasa, Shivananda, Classical Hatha Yoga, and Certified by B.K.S Iyengar.

He is the creator of Specialized Therapeutic Yoga Courses — Lumbar, Cervical, Knees, and more — as well as the Pedagogy of nexoYOGA and the Biometric Matrix concept.

He has conducted more than 30 workshops and specialized training for Yoga Teachers internationally (Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, and Spain). Training director of the nexoYOGA Academy with 50,000 students in 17 countries.

She holds a Ph.D. in Psychology with International Mention (University of La Laguna). Master's in Research in Psychology. Bachelor's in Psychology (Complutense University of Madrid) and Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT, International Association of Yoga Therapists).

She has developed an integrative approach to yoga and psychology focused on helping her patients recover physical and mental health. In addition to her private practice, she treats residents and short-stay patients at the Mentalia Health Center in Las Palmas, applying psychotherapeutic yoga in various mental health conditions: psychotic disorders, persistent depression, addictions, and intellectual disabilities. Her work links her two great passions: Psychology, Yoga, and Scientific Research.

Psychologists from the Canary Islands Health Service:
The psychologists participating in the intervention of this study are professionals from the Canary Islands Health Service, working in Health Centers in Tenerife and Gran Canaria. They hold degrees in Psychology and are registered professionals with at least 2 years of experience in psychotherapy, with training and experience in CBT and no training as a yoga or mindfulness teacher.

Yoga Teachers:
The yoga teachers participating throughout the intervention of the study hold official certification as yoga instructors, with at least 2 years of uninterrupted experience as yoga instructors. They have specialized training in the specific yoga protocol that they will apply throughout the study.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development