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Finished 09 / 07 / 2022
$ 8,452
$ 5,218
$ 9,392
126 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa, made by one member of the Platform. We would like you to enjoy our Dehesa as we hope we will thanks to your contribution.

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 31

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our badges and a sticker with our logo, so that you can make us visible wherever you go.

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 52

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts with its unmistakable green tone that will help us make our struggle visible thanks to you.

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 104

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa made by one member of the Platform.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 209

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts and a badge.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 313

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts, a badge and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 522

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts, a badge and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,044

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts, a badge and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 00 Co-financiers


20 | 11 | 2022


Juani nos habla desde el corazón.

Nuestra querida y valiente Juani aceptó el reto. Nos han dado la oportunidad de contar, ante un micrófono, nuestra lucha frente al Goliath que nos quiere imponer una megamina en la Dehesa de Las Navas de Cañaveral.
Juani habló por todas las personas que defendemos un modelo de desarrollo sostenible para nuestra tierra. Y qué bien lo hace.
Pinchad en el enlace un poquito más abajo y juzgad por vosotr@s mism@s.
Gracias, Juani, por ser nuestra voz desde ese amor que nos une hoy y siempre por nuestra tierra.
Pincha [aquí.](https://fb.watch/gW2fkfxsr8/)

Seguimos en la lucha. Y os seguimos necesitando.

No a la mina de Cañaveral.
No a las minas.
Sí a la vida.



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