Contributing $ 435
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference.
> 15 Co-financiers
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Teaching life, saving lives
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference.
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution.
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how their support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support.
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support. + Recognition as a major donor on the hospital’s digital donor wall.
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference.
> 15 Co-financiers
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution.
> 07 Co-financiers
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how their support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support.
> 10 Co-financiers
A personalized thank you letter or email from the hospital, including a short story about how your support is making a difference. + A digital “Supporter” certificate, recognizing the donor’s contribution + A video message from a hospital staff member or healthcare worker, thanking them for their support. + Recognition as a major donor on the hospital’s digital donor wall.
> 04 Co-financiers
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
> 01 Co-financiers
Recognition as a major donor on the hospital's digital donor wall. + Personal thanks from the hospital director.
> 04 Co-financiers