¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Top Manta · Ropa legal hecha por gente ilegal

Finished 03 / 06 / 2018
$ 1,466,748
$ 438,776
$ 972,148
2465 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Donating € 5

    Acknowledgement + Audiobook
    To us the small donations are very important. If you contribute 5 euro, your name will be written in our Mecenas Wall in order to show our acknowledgement. You will also receive an audio book through Whatsapp, written by the trade-union member and poet Lamine Sarr.

    > 40 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Donating € 10

    Acknowledgement + Audiobook + Bag
    If you contribute 10 euros, your name will be written in our Mecenas Wall in order to show our acknowledgement. You will also receive an audio book through Whatsapp, written by the trade-union member and poet Lamine Sarr and a bag of TOP MANTA.

    > 154 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 284

    Donating € 13

    Acknowledgement + Audiobook + Bag (Envío a España)
    If you contribute 13 euros, your name will be written in our Mecenas Wall in order to show our acknowledgement. You will also receive an audio book through Whatsapp, written by the trade-union member and poet Lamine Sarr and a bag of TOP MANTA. This pack includes the postage expenses within Spain (up till 500 grams).

    > 187 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 371

    Donating € 17

    If you contribute 17 euros, your name will be written in our Mecenas Wall in order to show our acknowledgement. You will also receive an audio book through Whatsapp, written by the trade-union member and poet Lamine Sarr and a bag of Top Manta. This pack includes the postage expenses within Spain or any other European Country (up till 500 grams).

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    Donating € 20

    1 Reward
    Choose one reward out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. Come and pick up your reward in our shop in Barcelona!

    > 653 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 502

    Donating € 23

    1 Reward (Postage expenses within Spain included)
    Choose one reward out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Spain (up till 500 grams).

    > 707 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 589

    Donating € 27

    1 Reward (Postage expenses within Europe included)
    Choose one reward out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Europe (up till 500 grams).

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 655

    Donating € 30

    1 Reward (Postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal included)
    Choose one reward out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal (up till 500 grams).

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 655

    Donating € 30

    Acknowledgement + Audio book + Bag (Postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal included)
    If you contribute 10€, your name will be written in our Mecenas Wall in order to show our acknowledgement. You will also receive an audio book through Whatsapp, written by the trade-union member and poet Lamine Sarr and a bag of TOP MANTA. This pack includes the postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal (up till 500 grams).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 873

    Donating € 40

    2 Rewards
    Choose two rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. Come and pick up your reward in our shop in Barcelona!

    > 195 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 939

    Donating € 43

    2 Rewards (Postage expenses within Spain included)
    Choose two rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Spain (up till 500 grams).

    > 230 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,026

    Donating € 47

    2 Rewards (Postage expenses within Europe included)
    Choose two rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Europe (up till 500 grams).

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    Donating € 50

    2 Recompensas (Postage expenses to Latin America and Senegal included)
    Choose two rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal (up till 500 grams).

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,310

    Donating € 60

    3 Rewards
    Choose three rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. Come and pick up your reward in our shop in Barcelona!

    > 35 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,375

    Donating € 63

    3 Rewards (Postage expenses within Spain included)
    Choose three rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Spain (up till 500 grams).

    > 41 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,463

    Donating € 67

    3 Rewards (Postage expenses within Europe included)
    Choose three rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Europe (up till 500 grams).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,528

    Donating € 70

    3 Rewards (Postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal included)
    Choose three rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal (up till 500 grams).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    Donating € 100

    4 Rewards
    Choose four rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. Come and pick up your reward in our shop in Barcelona!

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,249

    Donating € 103

    4 Recompensas (Postage expenses within Spain included)
    Choose four rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Spain (up till 500 grams).

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,336

    Donating € 107

    4 Recompensas (Postage expenses within Europe included)
    Choose four rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Europe (up till 500 grams).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,401

    Donating € 110

    4 Rewards (postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal included)
    Choose four rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantera lunch or a Mantera walk This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses to Latin America or Senegal (up till 500 grams).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,550

    Donating € 300

    Mantero Love
    Choose five rewards out of the following options: T-Shirt of TOP MANTA, Sweatshirt TOP MANTA, Bag TOP MANTA, an invitation for a Mantero party, invitation for a Mantero lunch or a Mantera walk. This pack includes acknowledgements + audio book. It also includes the postage expenses within Spain, Europe, Latin America or Senegal (up till 500 grams).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    Donating € 1.000

    Mantero Training
    We offer a anti-racist training course divided in three sessions for groups (maximum 300 people). It is ideal for companies, schools, institutions and all kind of collectives. This pack includes acknowledgement.

    > 00 Co-financiers
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
¡Lo hemos logrado! Gracias a todo el mundo por ayudarnos a lograr nuestro objetivo.
Tras varias semanas de campaña en Goteo, esto es lo que hemos aprovechado para contar (haz clic).
Gracias a todos y todas. Seguimos en Goteo en segunda ronda, ¡a por el óptimo!
Ya casi llegamos al final. Te necesitamos, ¡estas personas ya han aportado!
A una semana del todo o nada, no tienes nada que perder porque junt@s lo podemos todo. ¿Te sumas?


Este es un mensaje para nuestros mecenas:

¡Muchísimas gracias por apoyar el proyecto de moda Top Manta! Nos hace mucha, mucha ilusión y nos da esperanza.
Estamos recibiendo algunos mensajes con dudas acerca de cuándo empezaremos a mandar...

[Read more]
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
Hace 20 días que empezó el crowdfunding, pero ¡no solo necesitamos dinero!
¡Wow, hemos doblado lo que esperábamos obtener en Goteo!


¡Hola a todxs!

Este es nuestro primer mensaje desde que lanzamos la campaña de mecenazgo el pasado 12 de marzo. Primero de todo queremos decir que todo el apoyo recibido nos llena de ilusión y esperanza. Estamos felices y abrumados ante tanto...

[Read more]
¡1ª semana en Goteo! Os recordamos la motivación de esta campaña (haz clic).
Gota a gota, donación a donación, ayúdanos a lograr nuestros objetivos (haz clic)
Aquí estamos, el equipo tras esta campaña y proyecto.
100% del mínimo superado, toda una alegría… ¡Gracias!
Gracias al apoyo de la gente, ¡el proyecto está muy cerca de hacerse realidad!
Ya no somos sólo un grupo, ¡somos legiones de energía positiva!
50% recaudado, ¡ya vemos el vaso medio lleno!
Doscientas donaciones ya... No es sólo una campaña, ¡es un motor de ilusión!
Comienza a moverse la campaña, ¡pero aún falta y es a todo o nada!
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!