Contributing $ 109
Personal thanks to the participants
Providing 5 euros, thanks staff through the official website of Pediatric Emergency Unit of the Cruces University Hospital
> 03 Co-financiers
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Providing 5 euros, thanks staff through the official website of Pediatric Emergency Unit of the Cruces University Hospital
Providing 15 euros you will be flattered with a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team. Shipping included to the Peninsula.
Providing 20 euros it will be sent a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
Providing 20 euros, you will be flattered with a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
Providing 30 euros will be flattered with a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team and it will be sent a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
Providing 35 euros you will be flattered with a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting and a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
Providing 40 euros, you will receive a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research and a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
Providing 50 euros, you will receive the premium to be an expert in childhood poisonings. Includes: (1) a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team; (2) a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research; (3) a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
The Pediatric Emergency equipment at Cruces University Hospital, offers to give informative talks in schools in Bizkaia, aimed at parents and students, on guidelines for action in poisoning. For centers in other geographical areas, will be held via Skype. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
El proyecto del Servicio de Urgencias de Pediatría del Hospital Universitario Cruces titulado Intoxicaciones Infantiles fue uno de los tres que completó a finales del pasado año la campaña de crowdfunding CROWDSASUNA organizada por Innobasque, la Agencia Vasca de Innovación a través de la plataforma Goteo y con la colaboración de Fundación La Caixa.
El proyecto consiste en la elaboración de un registro de intoxicaciones pediátricas a nivel internacional con el objetivo final de consensuar mejores tratamientos y diseñar estrategias preventivas más eficaces. Han participado más de 100 hospitales de cuatro continentes.
Los resultados del estudio serán presentados en la reunión pediátrica de mayor prestigio científico a nivel internacional y los gastos serán sufragados con las aportaciones de la campaña., campaña que también ha servido para aumentar la relación entre los pediatras investigadores y la población.
En la Jornada de divulgación que celebraremos el 27 de Febrero a las 18:30 en el Hospital Universitario Cruces explicaremos por qué, cómo y para qué hacemos investigación en Urgencias Pediátricas
Santi Mintegi
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Personal thanks to the participants
Providing 5 euros, thanks staff through the official website of Pediatric Emergency Unit of the Cruces University Hospital
> 03 Co-financiers
Providing 15 euros you will be flattered with a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team. Shipping included to the Peninsula.
> 04 Co-financiers
Providing 20 euros it will be sent a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
> 05 Co-financiers
Providing 20 euros, you will be flattered with a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
> 12 Co-financiers
Providing 30 euros will be flattered with a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team and it will be sent a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
> 04 Co-financiers
Providing 35 euros you will be flattered with a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting and a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
> 03 Co-financiers
Providing 40 euros, you will receive a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research and a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
> 02 Co-financiers
Providing 50 euros, you will receive the premium to be an expert in childhood poisonings. Includes: (1) a collaboration diploma giving you thanks by the research team; (2) a special invitation to participate in a customized Open day explaining the details of the Pediatric Emergency Research at Cruces University Hospital (Bilbao). On that day will be present the researchers of the projects, along with a series of presentations, so you can discuss with them the reality of pediatric medical research; (3) a printed basic guideline to recognize and act on pediatric poisoning in the outpatient setting. Shipping included to the Peninsula. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
> 12 Co-financiers
The Pediatric Emergency equipment at Cruces University Hospital, offers to give informative talks in schools in Bizkaia, aimed at parents and students, on guidelines for action in poisoning. For centers in other geographical areas, will be held via Skype. Thanks in Pediatric Emergency Web of Cruces University Hospital.
> 01 Co-financiers
Ask help to some printing for printing the guides for families.
We ask for the help of different websites and blogs dedicated to parents for spreading Drip campaign for 4 weeks.