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YoIBEXtigo con La Marea

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Finished 14 / 07 / 2016
$ 2,145,738
$ 1,528,226
$ 3,274,770
3372 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Acknowledgement and follow-up of the IBEXtigation

    Acknowledgement on our webpage and a monthly newsletter with exclusive news on the investigative work on the IBEX35 companies. The acknowledgement and the newsletter are included as rewards for all sponsors.

    > 224 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Electronic magazine

    Receive the september issue of La Marea in digital format, on top of the acknowledgements and monthly newsletter.

    > 375 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 262

    E-book on IBEX35

    E-book (epub format) including all 35 complete dossiers of the IBEX35 companies, once they have been published.

    > 923 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 524

    Electronic subscription, 12 numbers

    Electronic subscription (12 numbers) to the monthly magazine La Marea + e-book on the IBEX35 companies.

    > 516 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 764

    Paper book on IBEX35 + T-shirt

    Paper edition of the book including all 35 complete dossiers of the IBEX35 companies, + T-shirt #yoIBEXtigo (only within Spain).

    > 482 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 982

    Paper subscription to La Marea, 6 issues

    Receive 6 issues of the monthly paper magazine + paper edition of the IBEX35 book + T-shirt #yoIBEXtigo (only within Spain).

    > 190 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,026

    ABROAD SHIPMENT: paper book on IBEX35 + T-shirt

    Paper edition of the book including all 35 complete dossiers of the IBEX35 companies, + T-shirt #yoIBEXtigo (shipment abroad).

    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,201

    Tote bag + paper subscription + book + T-shirt

    Exclusive design #yoIBEXtigo cloth bag + 6 issues of the monthly paper magazine + paper edition of the IBEX35 book + T-shirt #yoIBEXtigo (only within Spain).

    > 95 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,528

    Paper subscription to La Marea, 12 issues

    Receive 12 issues of the monthly paper magazine + paper edition of the IBEX35 book + T-shirt + cloth bag #yoIBEXtigo (only within Spain).

    > 169 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,965

    Libro Franquismo S.A. en papel

    Te llevas el libro impreso de Antonio Maestre Franquismo S.A. + la revista mensual en papel 12 números + el libro sobre el IBEX35 en papel + camiseta + bolsa de tela con diseño exclusivo #yoIBEXtigo.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,056

    Online seminar on investigative journalism

    Do you want to know whether real investigative journalism work is like it appears in the movies? What tools do we have to dissect the powerful? Which steps do we follow? Join this online seminar on investigative journalism (date to be agreed) + 12 paper issues + cloth bag + T-shirt + book.

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,585

    Meeting to select the contents for the 4th aniversary of La Marea

    In december we will celebrate our 4th birthday. We invite you to join the staff and participate in the selection of the contents that will be included in the special issue. Plus, online seminar, 12 paper issues, cloth bag, T-shirt and book.

    Además, seminario online + suscripción de 12 números en papel + libro + camiseta + bolsa.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 7,641

    Dinner with La Marea collaborators (4th aniversary)

    Meet with the staff and our frequent collaborators. Between bites, we will have time to discuss the news and you will get the opportunity to ask what you always wanted to know about journalism work. This will take place around December 2016 - January 2017. [Does not include travel expenses]. Plus, all of the above: participate in the selection of the contents + online seminar + 12 paper issues + cloth bag + T-shirt + book.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    Face-to-face course for two people

    Face-to-face course for two people on a topic to choose among literary journalism, cooperative journalism or gender perspective in information. To take place in Madrid or Barcelona in dates to be agreed. [Does not include travel expenses] Plus, two T-shirts, two bags and two paper books.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16,374

    Face-to-face course for four people

    Face-to-face course for four people on a topic to choose among literary journalism, cooperative journalism or gender perspective in information. To take place in Madrid or Barcelona in dates to be agreed. [Does not include travel expenses] Plus, four T-shirts, four bags and four paper books.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    Face-to-face course for six people (we travel to your city)

    Face-to-face course for six people on a topic to choose among literary journalism, cooperative journalism or gender perspective in information. To take place in your city, within the Peninsula and in dates to be agreed. Plus, six T-shirts, six bags and six paper books which we will deliver in person.

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

weIBEXtigate with La Marea: we investigate, we inform, we transform

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Investigating the 35 IBEX companies (2000€/company) and publishing on paper and online
Salaries and costs derived from the investigation (access records, travels, etc). Publication of 35 dossiers on paper and, partially, online.
$ 1,528,226
Paper edition of the project #weIBEXtigate and donation to public libraries
Extension of the paper edition of the book with the results of the project, in order to donate copies to public libraries and to other entities that are open to the people and which apply for it.
$ 218,318
Digital edition of the book 'Franquismo, S.A.' by Antonio Maestre
On top of specific information about IBEX35 companies which owe their success to the favours by the francoist dictatorship, this will include articles about companies not included in this index.
$ 218,318
Paper edition of the book 'Franquismo S.A.' and donation to public libraries
In additon to paper edition only for funders, we increase the printing and donate copies to public libraries and another institutions open to citizenship.
$ 218,318
More investigative journalism: the business of healthcare
Special issue about companies that profit from healthcare. Details on the 17 autonomous communities: waiting lists, privatizations, state of the hospitals, medical research....
$ 436,636
More investigative journalism: the business of education
Especial sobre empresas que se lucran con la educación. Análisis de la presencia de las empresas en las universidades de todo el Estado.
$ 436,636
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Docuweb covering the results of the investigations
Publication of the a docuweb, videos and additional graphical material on lamarea.com webpage under an open license.
$ 218,318
Total $ 1,528,226 $ 3,274,770

General information

For months we have been hearing about political parties that rule for the IBEX35 and about the fear among companies in this index of certain political movements coming to power. But what do we actually know about the most influential companies of the country? Is the information we read about them on the media the one we need or the one that best serves their interest?

At La Marea we think that leak-based journalism is too often priorised over investigative journalism. The first reason is undeniable: searching for information and going through data like a worker ant is very expensive and, often, it does not pay. One gets more clicks by publishing funny videos and photos, or by repeating the latest exchange of statements between currently trending politicians.

The second reason is related with the way the media are financed in this time of crisis that seems chronic. The companies of the IBEX35 are their main income source. Thus, when a leak damaging these companies reaches the media, their CEOs need to ponder whether it is worth publishing. Rarely will they start an investigation about these companies on their own initiative. Nobody bites the hand that feeds them.

La Marea can do this, if you want to. Our ethical code for advertisers guarantees our editorial independence. In our pages you will never see ads of banks that evict people, nor of companies that mistreat the environment or the dignity of people. Simply put, we believe that one cannot preach a principle and profit from its opposite. On top of independence, we practice coherence.

Now we want to go much further and analyse these companies in detail, one by one. We will publish attractive, in-depth reports with the goal of getting them the maximum exposure. Information is essential for the citizenry to be able to defend from abuses and reclaim their rights.


Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The project #weIBEXtigate aims at analysing the 35 publicly traded companies included in the IBEX35 index (Telefónica, Repsol, BBVA, La Caixa, Iberdrola, Acciona, Endesa, Inditex…) and their lobbies. With this goal, we will dedicate the coming years to:
-collect and study all available information on primary and secondary sources (official records, archives, publications...)
-interview people in charge of these companies, those affected by their
practices, official organizations, NGOs, unions and professional associations.

Final contents will depend on the nature of each individual company. In all of them we will examine:
-Economic data and modus operandi
-Revolving doors. Lobbying and influence on legislation.
-Main stakeholders. Origin of their wealth and activity.
-Labour policy. Subsidiaries. Practices abroad.
-Gender perspective.

The dossiers on each company will be published on the monthly magazine La Marea and in the webpage lamarea.com, so that it can be accessed by the highest number of people.


Why this is important

This project enriches the whole citizenry. It is aimed, especially, to those of you who believe in the democratization of the media and bet on them being owned by the people, instead of large corporations with an agenda that serve the powerful, limiting and distorting information.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

With 70.000 euro:
Documentation and publication of reports about each of the 35 IBEX35 companies. Edition of a digital book (epub format) of the project #weIBEXtigate. Paper edition, limited to the sponsors that choose this reward. Partial publication online (under copyleft license).

With 80.000 euro: wider DIFFUSION
On top of that, paper edition of the #weIBEXtigate project. Donations to public libraries and collectives that express an interest. Edition of a docuweb and videos on lamarea.com under copyleft license.

Above 85.000 euro: more INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM. FRANQUISMO, S.A. (Francoism, Inc.)
Edition of the digital book (epub format) Franquismo, S.A., by Antonio Maestre. This work will include not only specific information of IBEX35 companies that owe their wealth to favours by the francoist dictatorship, but also articles on companies not included in this index. Paper edition limited to sponsors that choose this reward.

With 90.000 euro: wider DIFFUSION
Paper edition of the project Franquismo, S.A. Donation to public libraries and collectives that express an interest. Docuweb Franquismo, S.A. and related videos available on lamarea.com under copyledt license.

Special issue on companies that profit on healthcare. We will review the state of Spanish healthcare in the 17 autonomous communities: waiting lists, privatizations, state of the hospitals, medical research...

Special issue about companies that profit from education. Analysis of the presence of companies in universities all over the country.

If so many of you join us that #weIBEXtigate together beyond the optimal amount of 150.000 euro... we will use the rest for technical improvements and to extend our staff in order to tackle new investigations that we already have in mind.


Team and experience

The monthly magazine La Marea has been publishing information on transnationals for more than three years. Ever since the first number, entitled "Ruling for the capital", we have analysed their labout policies, the origin of their wealth -some linked to francoism- the consequences of their expansion overseas and their influence in the preparation of rules, treaties and even of newspieces.

Besides the staff journalists (Thilo Schäfer, Antonio Maestre, Magda Bandera,
Olivia Carballar, Edu Muriel, etc.), the investigative team will collaborate with others such as NGOs, associations, unions and fellow media.


Social commitment